Trouble Eating

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Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2020
Reaction score
Iowa, USA
Last Sunday Bunster injured herself. I'm assuming it was her mouth or nose. I've been trying to figure out what she can and cannot eat. So far she can eat hay, grass, plantain, ect. But, what's weird is that she can only eat hard foods that are in tiny pieces like the size of two balls at the end of a needle. If its any bigger than that, she will try to eat it and it will just fall out unmunched. She refused to eat mashed pellets, so I've just been soaking them in water to soften them then giving them to her. I guess she just doesn't like them mashed 🤔. She's been acting normal. Her poo has returned to normal and also her eating. Her behavior is great too. Will she grow out of food falling from her mouth as she heals? Thanks in advance!
Hi helena,

Do you have any idea how your bun hurt herself? Because if it was a bad injury it might not be easy to recover from and the food problem could last for a long time, I'd recommend if possible calling your vet and explaining what happened and if they don't accept appointments ask what you can do to help her. Sorry I haven't very helpful as I can't really say,

Hope your bun gets better
I think you should take your bunny to a vet and check teeth, maybe she hurt a teeth which is causing her to not chew correctly and the food falling out when it's too big.

Bunnies are expert at hiding their problems. So you don't get help too late if it get worse, when you don't know the cause and why it happened

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