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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2006
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, , United Kingdom
how do you know if you have tranced your rabbit( is that even a word)?

I tried with both furby and ellie just now. I get them to lie still but their breathing is still quite fast, but they do stop moving. As soon as I loosen my grip(Im not holding them tightly) the immediately get up!!
I then gave them both treats and they took them from me so I guess they arent angry?[:p]

I have read the other topic on how to do it. but i just want to be sure they have been tranced:colors:
when my guys go into a trance they kind of just relax and let go. Sometimes their breathing is still a little fast, but they kinda just go into a daze and lay there. Mine dont trance as well as some peoples (Ive heard of people who can clip their buns toenails whilst in a trance!).

Mine only do it for about a minute at the most, and then sort of jolt awake and hop off angrily.

Hope this helps :)

yeah it does thanks. I thin mine are a lot like yours. I just want to get them used to it as they are getting their op on thurs and no doubt you will have to chec them over.:colors:
I don't know how I ever trimmed their nails before i learned to do this!!!

I've found that it takes a fair bit of trust on your bunnies part to totally let go - so keep at it and they will get more comfortable. If they're hopping back up just keep petting them more, rubbing their cheeks & pulling their ears (GENTLY!). Mine usually breath very quickly as well but they still trance... it's sooo coool!!

FYI: Great party trick!!

Binkie is the only one of our buns that can be tranced. Good thing because she can be like grabbing the business end of a chainsaw. She fights to the very last and then she's totally managable once she's tranced...and she'll stay that way until you turn her upright.

Binkie in a trance in front of the PC....
(We usually hold them in our lap!!!)


I use the bunnie-burito method for all of my buns. Once they're wrapped up snugly, they seem to feel more secure and will tolerate me clipping/checking/treating/cleaning and/or adminstering meds.
It also keeps all of their feet and teeth where I can see them....maybe not avoid them, but I can see them.

My friend bun is so easy to trance. She is so docile and managable I just have to turn her on her back and she stays still. She hardly ever struggles. As soon as she's on her back, she's still until I move her into the upright position.

Poppy is my love bun.. Don't tell my girls though ;).:inlove:

how do you trance them? my bunny doesnt like me putting him on his back at all! i really wish he would.. because its pretty much impossible for me to clip his nails.. he puts up such a fuss!
Some rabbits do, most don't. It's all in how they handle being on their backs, from what I know. If they don't mind it, they trance easy, if they struggle it's almost impossible to trance them.
Spring wrote:
Some rabbits do, most don't. It's all in how they handle being on their backs, from what I know. If they don't mind it, they trance easy, if they struggle it's almost impossible to trance them.
We can do just about anything with Brindle...stand her on her head and she could care less. But don't try and trance her. It's the only thing she HATES.

Bunnies will be bunnies.

I think I am going to try and get them used to it so that when they have had their op they will be easier to check. Plus in winter when they wont be ou on the concrete as much, I can trim their nails!!:colors:
I can put my little Chevy in a trance a lot as well! Sometimes its easier than others and sometimes its lasts longer than others. We find it pretty amusing haha...But today while i was at school my boyfriend tranced Chevy and look!!!



Hahaha - she was in such a deep and long trance!! So my boyfriend took a ton of pics from every angle hahaha!! I thought it was so cute and funny! :D
rabbit_whisperer wrote:
can someone tell me how to trance a rabbit?

I could really use the trick.(nail clipping:shock:)
The way i do it is just try to lay the bun onits back on my lap very slowly, or quickly but carefully depending on how your bun reacts, and slowly tilt their head farther and farther back. Sometimes you need to guide their head down with a little help, pushing on their chin a little.

I think everyone find their own unique way to trance a bunny. The main idea is to lay it on its back with its head tilted pretty far back and it just goes into the trance. Some rabbits may not tolerate it at first so dont get discouraged.

Also, i know when we trance our bun, as soon as you touch her or make sudden movements she will snap outta it, so i dont think it would help with cutting her nails!
I think all buns are different. With Poppy, I just have to turn on her back and she's out of it. I can tickle her feet, look into her mouth, lift up her lips, lift up her teeth, tickle her belly, just about anything will she's on her back. I've only got Pebbles to trance a few times. I mainly just flip her over (usually takes a few tries with her kicking) and have her on her back cradled in my arm. She is very fidgity so I have to be very quick (I usually just do it to check her private area to make sure she's still a she as she was growing).
picklezon wrote:
how do you trance them?
I tilt Pebbles head back while petting her head with my free hand. When she begins to nod off, I lower her whole body on to her back. All this time i am still stroking her head from the nose and betweenher eyes. She will be fully tranced when her head drops down with no resistance.

Rainbows! :)
My female Bunny, Nala, falls in the deepest trances when I cradle her like a baby and she's on her back.

Today I was cradling her and stroking her nose until she fell asleep. When I stopped, she freaked out because she forgot where she was, ran a few feet away from me, stomped, ran further away again, stomped again and continued to glar at me as if to say 'I don't know HOW you do that!!!!' :D
rabbit_whisperer wrote:
that "my bunnies website" I've tried there "way" and it never works....

Oh what to do.:(
I can only trance 2 out of my 3 bunnies, my mini lop just won't fall for it. I think it just depends on the rabbit.
picklezon wrote:
ya copper just freaks out when i try to cradle him or get him on his back.. is this something i can get him to get over with?
If the bun won't be tranced, there's a good chance that they won't get over it. Possible....but not likely.

You can keep trying every now and then, but not to the point that he thinks you're going to try every time you pick him up.

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