Toys for Diggers

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Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2011
Reaction score
Near Columbia, South Carolina, USA
So Mumford has this idea that everything needs digging.. the floor, the rugs in there, the digging box, the litterbox that was supposed to be kick-out proof... I tried using a litterbox that had a screen on it, but he'd dig at that too and ended up flinging just poos/hays everywhere.

He likes to dig up the rugs and sit on the underside of it and pull out the fibers. Then he'll go and dig in a corner or on the cardboard I gave him. He's just CRAZY. It could be he just wants to be with Layla again. She's being super chill lately and non destructive since her spay. Mumford IS neutered, but can I have it done again? Haha

I've thought about maybe building a digging box with soil. Something with like an arctic entryway to keep it from going everywhere (or a separate thing entirely) to contain the digging and give untreated/unfertilized soil. Maybe a plastic tote with air vents on the top, but a top cut-out drop down hole with a smaller tote that leads into it or at least funnels kicked dirt back downward...

It'd be really cool to have like an "ant farm" of acrylic (with air vents, of course and not just completely vertical) that has dirt in it so they could burrow and I could still see them. If it was large enough you could even grow "pastures" of herbs and grasses because I know they'd fertilize it quickly being rabbits... I always wanted to build a semi-native habitat with my gerbils, who made their own tunnels like ant farms as well.

I don't recall what your dig box is like, but I'd try a big cardboard box, one he'd need a ramp to get into & out of. Made it stable with bricks or something on the bottom, then nearly fill it with paper. Add one rabbit & let him stir.
I bet he would enjoy a dirt dig box a lot! But it would prob be a bit messy ;) I got some neat cardboard packing peanuts from my local post office that work well in a dig box

With ferrets a lot of people use rubbermaid containers with lower sides so the animals can jump in and out. I use a large rubbermaid with a lid, that has a hole in the side with tubing leading to it. The tubing contains the mess
He does have a digging box.. It has a hole in the side and he chewed another on the top. I filled it with some hay and crumpled up paper. He digs in there, but still digs everywhere else...
You can go to buy website because there has been lots of toys available. Some of them are as follow, flip 'n tip fred recycling truck, brooklyn bridge and manhattan jigsaw puzzle and more.


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