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Wow, that's a new one! I'm doubting truehermaphrodite, but there are a number of conditions in humans thatcause similar symptoms. I would think rabbits would have similarconditions. It could due to an underproduction of testosterone, a lackof testosterone receptors, or a couple of other things.

Its too bad he can't get neutered yet, as you'll never know if/when his sperm does become viable. Keep an eye out on those two!
What a surprise!

Jan's right...Buck had a rabbit that was a hermaphrodite.


This was a surprise. Definitely not what I wasexpecting when I checked on my baby Freddy. Well I've always thought ofFreddy as a special baby and lo and behold the vet confirmed it lmbo.What a shock it must have been for you.

lol thanks tina! hopefully he's just alate bloomer ...otherwise its gonna be a much more involved surgery toget him fixed :?

well i couldnt have imagined it to be a very bad day for him tho...hehad about 5 different girls checkin out his "stuff" got fed tons of hayat the vets and got some craisins on the way home......
FreddysMom wrote:
Thank you for all you wonderful thoughts! on a lighternote,...I just weighed freddy about a week ago and the scale today at the vet's office the lil porker weighed in at 3lbs!he just seems to get these growth spurts out of nowhere! I havecraisins waiting for him when he gets back..i hope hes not mad atme
ahaha!! 3lbs ! Fatty is 8lbs now and he's definately not ahermaphrodite...he was just a laaaaate bloomer..and the hormones arejust kicking in now around 10/11 months ..makes me wonder how big hesgonna get!

...anywho we're going to go Round 2 on this, his new date is Dec. 29th..

...i can put up with spraying on the walls, occasionally sheets but thelil ******d got me right between the eyes last night... NO more!!!!!!lol ...i warned him that if he didnt stop this would happen!:X

but just one quick question ...should I leave him and Vicky in the cagetogether during re-coop time, or separate? They are very passive witheach other except for when he's feeling "lovey-dovey"..

Pez and Freddy have been in covert communication with eachother. I found out that Pez was teaching Freddy how to do hisinfamous 360 degree spray! You had better hope thatyou get him fixed before he has perfected it!


FreddysMom wrote:
but just one quick question ...should I leave him and Vickyin the cage together during re-coop time, or separate? They are verypassive with each other except for when he's feeling "lovey-dovey"..

It depends on their relationship. Since they are good witheach other, it's worth a try to put them together to see if itworks.

If they don't have a wire-bottom cage, it's suggested that you not uselitter, but newspaper the first day or two they get home. Theidea is so that litter doesn't get to the wound.

Will be praying. :pray:

FreddysMom wrote:
...i can put up with spraying on the walls, occasionallysheets but the lil ******d got me right between the eyes lastnight

I'm sorry. I know it's not funny, but I had tolaugh. Thoseof us who can relate are allowed tolaugh, right?



Never thought i'd say this but Gizzie is going in for a "little boys" operation too, I am ringing the vets today.


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