If you get a male, I still highly suggest neutering him. I didn't get Theo neutered at first, but he kept peeing outside of the litter box and it smelled awful. He was also humping everything and so aggressive towards me. Eventually, I called a vet and they said it would only be $50 instead of $300 (that is what my friend paid). After the neuter, he is the best rabbit I could hope for. He is so sweet, not aggressive, super well litter trained, and his litter box doesn't smell that bad anymore.
Hay-I try to buy Timothy, Meadow, or Orchard hay bales from local farmers because the hay is super high quality (since it is for horses). It is also WAY cheaper than buying hay from pet stores for rabbits.
Pellets-I used to buy small pet select pellets, but I'm swapping Theo over to Sherwood because it is a better healthier brand.
Veggies-I buy a one 1lb box of spring mix and a bunch of cilantro, turnip greens, or mustard greens per week.
Since you are getting a baby rabbit, you will need to feed it Alfalfa-based pellets at the beginning. Once the rabbit hits 4 months, you will want to slowly swap over to a Timothy Pellet. I would feed a mini lop 1/4 cup of pellets per day, babies should not get unlimited pellets. I do not suggest feeding Alfalfa Hay, because once you have to swap over to Timothy Hay they won't eat the Timothy. Do not feed any fruits or veggies before the rabbit is 5 months. When it turns 5 months, add veggies super slowly so the rabbit doesn't get water poop.
Good Luck! Don't forget to send pictures of the new bunny!