Tips for rabbit-proofing my kitchen -- especially gas stove and range

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Nov 19, 2020
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Westchester Co, NY
I'm inspired by all the folks on these forums who have figured out how to let their bunnies free-range safely 24/7. I would love to get to that point. Since our bunny joined our family 2 months ago she's been staying in her cage except for 2 hours each morning and evening when she hangs out with us in the living room. This is clearly not enough and I'm going to begin working on an xpen for her, but I'd also like to expand her free-range territory to the kitchen so that she can be out and about more.

Can anyone offer advice on how to bunny-proof my kitchen? I'm worried about 2 areas:
  1. The oven. The first time the bunny was loose in the kitchen she immediately ran over to the oven and disappeared under it--even though it's only a few inches off the ground!
  2. The gas stove for heat, (pictured below), which is about 6" off the ground. This stove also has gas lines and an electrical cord, in addition to being very hot.
Thanks in advance for any ideas.

Maybe you could put metal nic grids around the gas stove ? You could maybe get like a fence/ pen and just block off the whole area. Maybe you could just get baby gates and block off the kitchen itself. My bun hates slick wood floor so he never goes into my kitchen, so I don’t really know.
I always have a few of these handy for blocking off areas if needed, you could put a few together around the stove:

Or maybe get some wooden panels from the hardware store and put across the the areas she’s likely to wriggle into
Can you post a photo of the oven area she gets under?

For the gas stove, you'll need cord protectors. You can use clear tubing which is sold by the foot at home improvement stores (just slit the length of the tube to put the cord in.) Or you can use something like this:
Other than the cords, I wouldn't worry much about the stove. If it is on and is hot, she'll stay away from it. The oven is different since the area is smaller under it and isn't as easy for her to move quickly there. I'd want to be sure to block her completely from going under the oven. (potential ideas pending a photo)

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