Thumper, the prince of darkness, and princess milkshake

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Active Member
Mar 1, 2009
Reaction score
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
I decided to start a blog on here... since well my bunnies begged me ^^. I have now 3 bunnies. Here is my newest one, princess Milkshake, she is a 4 year old dutch:

I actually just got her yesterday, and she's adorable. Here is one more picture:


She ate fine last night and everything. She's a chubby bunny :).

Now onto the prince of darkness... aka prince. My mom started calling him that and so now it stuck. I know most have probably already seen these pictures, but he hasn't been too camera friendly the past day or so (he loves to get right next to it and bite the wrist thing).



And now, for the most softest, cuddlieist (love making up words XD), friendliest bunny in the household besides milkshake, Thumper! He was my first bunny that I got of this year, and I love him to death... even though he is a bad boy sometimes, because he loves nibbling. But, he's also really sweet, he loves giving kisses.



I love em all to death. And I found out a new treat that they love: strawberries. I gave them all a half one yesterday and they gobbled em down real quick.

I guess that is all for now.. oh... and if anyone has advice for allergies maybe? I might be allergic to them :( but I don't plan on giving them away ever, even though It's sometimes hard to breath around them. Is there any medication that can counteract the difficulty breathing?

Anyways... that's all until pictures tonight!


Nice Bunny's very cute.
I'm also allergic to my bunny's and there's no way there going anywhere. I have 2 air purifier's in my tiny apt, 1 in my room and 1 in the living room where the buns stay, that helps to keep the hair in the air to a minimal amount. For your difficult breathing I recommend you see a doctor and get an inhaler which will make your life so much better.

Awe cute bunz! I especially like prince's markings :) very pretty.

As for your allergies. I'm allergic as well, especially to the hay. They only thing I can suggest is if you have any benadryl try and take that before handling your bunny's, also make sure to keep them CLEAN. Cleaning out the cages daily also helps :) But as suggested look into getting an inhaler(which after the new law passed might be hard most inhalers are illegal due to something in them that is killing the ozone(yea dumb) It might only be an AZ thing right now but I know I'm having a hard tiem getting a decent inhaler.) What kind of bedding are you using if you dont mind me asking?
I use newspaper, but they never get to it or anything. I think the hay does that to me too, because I always used to have a problem with it when I was around a horse barn. I got plenty of benadryl, so I'll try that and I do clean them out daily ^^

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