Thumper AKA fuzzy butt!

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He´s just lovely, I love his white belly and his big flop, he looks so relaxed. His cardboard town is awesome, I must make something like that for mine, they´d go mad but probably eat half of it. Love Moe, he´s a cool cat lol.
I missed a few pages of this blog! haha. I love the pictures of Thumper and his town! His town is great! I wish I had the room for something like that.
Moe is really pretty, out of all the cats I've had in my life, I've never had a white one.

I love Flemmies and Thumper is so pretty! I love their massive size and their ears, the ears are my favorite thing...other than feets and tails. haha.
Shoot! I just typed a bunch and it disappeared. Just wanted to give a quick update. I am so glad I built Thumper his town. He rarely chews on stuff he shouldn't now, the middle box is a dig box. The only thing I'm not crazy about is that I can't see him when he's in there. I don't mind so much when I hear him, just feel like I need to see him when he's quiet. But it also makes our games of chase even more fun because sometimes he will dart into his town and I never know whether he will dart out the same way he went in or a different entrance/exit. I swear if my neighbors ever look over when my blinds are up they'll think I'm nuts, running around in circles while bent over. I have to bend over to tickle his big, fuzzy butt!

Thumper loves having ear rubs and pets. He also doesn't mind having his tail petted. His feet all depend on his mood but he is never aggressive. If he doesn't like what you are doing he just hops away.



That last picture of his butt in the box is the best picture I've ever seen! I LOVE it!
He is so pretty! How much does he weigh? Maybe you've said and I just don't remember.
How are your girls with him and does he like them?
Aw, love that last picture. He must really love having his own town.
Sorry it has been a while. it has been crazy busy here. I've had to take kids to a doctors appt last week and one girl to another this week. I have been working on stripping several layers of paint, urethane and stain from two beds for my neighbor. And on and on.

Thumper and the girls really like each other. he runs to see them just like he does me and the husband. The girls are 9, 9 and 10. They are really well behaved and we have taught them to respect animals. So they know how to interact with them.

I feel so bad for the oldest. Frisky, the cat that passed away not long ago was her favorite. She came over to hug me this week and started crying because she misses her and just the other day she found one of her hairs and put it in a sandwich bag to save. :(

We no longer have Moe. Unfortunately we had to return him to the shelter. He bit my husband on the back of the hand when he was petting him. It broke the skin but the very next day while my husband was petting him again he sunk his teeth into the muscle between my husbands thumb and forefinger as deep as he could. I don't know if he just does not like men for someone reason or what it was. He was enjoying being petted and for no clear reason just bit like that. I don't know that I would have believed it without seeing it. We were afraid of him doing this to one of the girls. I just hope he can find a good home where he will be happy. I have never not kept any animal I brought home to be a part of the family. At least now he is neutered and is up to date on all of his shots. It should make it easier on whoever may adopt him since they will at least save on that. The vets were off on their estimate. It came to 130.00. They did send a card welcoming us as new patients and also called a few days later to ask how Moe was doing so that was nice.

I was so excited Monday night. I was in Thumper's room hanging out with him and for the first time he went onto the second floor of his town. He jumped up from the outside and went into the box. he kept periscoping up and from where I was sitting on the floor all I could see was his two big ears sticking out of the top of the box. H e had me laughing so much. After some time he went back outside the box and started chewing the box he was sitting on. I decided to use this opportunity to close the flaps on the upper box. I'm a worry wart when it comes to him and didn't like the thought of him jumping out of the box from up there. I could picture him catching a leg on the side and landing badly on the floor. The flaps were closed when I put the box in there. I have a feeling one of the girls pushed them open. Well when I pulled the first flap up it made a noise as it scraped the inside of the box which then made Thumper thump. Now he's up there every day chewing on his box.

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Boy I can't wait until we renovate his room, I can't stand that green carpet. And if you look you can see where he has chewed the door trim. That's also why there is cardboard between the wall and his gate, to try to keep him from chewing there more. I hung some long pieces of hay from the top of his cage so that it hangs into his cage. I thought it could be like roots in a burrow and he might enjoy chewing them off at night while we sleep. So far he hasn't except the ones that were right in front of his door. I would love to be able to do the same thing with something like a vine or someone on here said buns can chew on willow tree branches. I don't have a willow or know anyone with one though. :(
I'm not sure how much he weighs right now. I actually have been wanting to weigh him again the past couple of weeks> We don't have a scale in the house but my husband has two he keeps on his work van. I kept forgetting to get one until he was at work. I finally did get one after forgetting for weeks but I haven't had the chance to get him weighed yet. Maybe I'll get to tomorrow as I am finally done stripping my neighbors beds. Since Thumper doesn't like being picked up, it's a little more involved in getting him weighed. Last time it worked just by placing it right in front of his cage in the morning. In the afternoon I finally caught his weight when he stopped on top of the scale while crossing it to chin it.
I almost got Thumper weighed last night. I was putting his bowl of veggies in his cage but kinda messing around with it while I sat on the floor hoping to entice him into his cage since it was bed time. The little stinker got up on the scale but by the time I realized and he was on it and turned around to look he jumped back off.

Thumper doesn't like being picked up so to get him into his cage at night I have to herd him in. That's not so easy to do because he is always in the mood to play even if I have already spent a bit of time playing with him and he's not dumb. He knows what is coming. So I was even more excited for when he could start eating veggies because I hoped that would give him a reason to really want to go into his cage. Well it did work for a few months but he has figured out he gets veggies every night and they'll be waiting for him. I have tried to entice him by breaking off a piece of lettuce or bok choy and getting him to follow and he will but stops several feet from his cage. Some nights I don't mind but boy are there some nights I just want it to be simple and quick.

I know I really need to work with him on accepting being picked up. I thought if I worked with him on sitting on my lap and being comfortable there then I could move on to picking up. He used to sit in my lap and eat hay I would hold for him but he stopped that. I think just because he outgrew my lap. He can reach any food I hold for him without climbing on my lap.
Chrisdoc...yes, he is very relaxed. He has a pretty laid back personality. When he's energetic he loves to play, dig chew and runs up to us to play/get pets but he doesn't often get spooked and when he does it only lasts a moment. It can be pretty busy and noisy here at times so we got the right bun for our family.

I know he will destroy his town over time since he loves to chew it and dig at it but I'll just replace the boxes as it's needed.
Whitelop...his butt may be my favorite part of him, it just looks so big and is so fluffy. Good thing for me he has no problem with it being tickled when we play or petted when he's relaxing. At the same time, there is nothing more adorable than big bunny feet or ears.
Loopsy...yes he does love his town. Thankfully it gives him something to do besides chew on the door trim. All the toys he had were not enough of a distraction. Silly bun!
Love those ears...can never get enough of big bun ears, they are phenomenal haha.
Love big ears myself. It's funny because most of the time he doesn't keep his ears up much. When he hears something he is unsure of he puts them up but when he's lying down he usually has them laying on his back. The rest of the time usually only one ear is up, both out to the side or some such.
I just had to do some catching up, he is just so handsome!
And too smart! I can't believe what you have to go through to put him up at night because you can't pick him up, thats too funny. Ellie is sort of the same way, I can pick her up though, but most of the time I lead her in with food and she hasn't caught onto it yet, thankfully! LOL.
I don't know how to make him like being picked up, I guess you just have to pick him up a lot, even for a few minutes at a time? Then maybe try to give him a treat while your holding him and then a treat when you put him down? Maybe someone else could help with that, but that is my first thought.
Foo didn't let me pick her up either, she wasn't very happy with it, but once I figured out the right way to hold her she was better with it and let me cut her nails and stuff. Maybe you just have to figure out how he likes to be picked up and held to be able to hold him. But what do I know? hahaha.

I wish I had a flemmie. I would love to have a giant bunny. I wonder if I could bond little Ellie to a giant flemmie? haha. That would be amazing.
I had a bun that didn't like to be touched at all. Everytime he was going into his cage for the night, I would bring out his favorite treat (banana) and I would hold it above his hutch ramp.... That was the only time of the day he got that as a treat and he LOVED it, even though he was neutered he would still make honking noises for the banana and would go circles around the ramp :)'s a shame, I have been outsmarted by a bunny! Ha! I don't see why you couldn't bond Ellie to a flemmie. Although I know if it was me I would be a nervous wreck trying to just worrying about Lil' Ellie. But I overthink and then cause myself to worry about everything. Maybe I should just tell my hubby to pick him up. At first I was worried (and I never worried before picking any bun up) after reading everyone post about picking them up right so they don't break their own backs and I did want to let him settle in and well then time got away and he kept getting bigger. Well my husband is just one of those completely confident people and he worries about nothing but then I worry he'll pick him up wrong. Argh!

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