Thought I'd resurrect the RO pregnancy thread

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pOker wrote:
hello ladiesss..(and gents?but that would be awkward wouldnt it?) anyways, my baby isnt very but the baby bellyyy is just so enjoyable!!!! i have ZERO morning sickness(im 13 weeks) and zero cravings(definetely not something im wanting)

enjoy all those pregnant bellies ladies!!

Consider yourself lucky! I had it all!!

3 weeks and counting! I'm almost done!
Becknutt, when is your due date? How are you feeling?

I am officially in my 3rd trimester as of today. I had my diabetes test last week and despite Type 2 running in my family, I don't have gestational diabetes. Woot!

My niece started painting Mario scenes on the baby room walls. She's a great artist. I'll have to put up pictures soon.
naturestee wrote:
Becknutt, when is your due date? How are you feeling?

I am officially in my 3rd trimester as of today. I had my diabetes test last week and despite Type 2 running in my family, I don't have gestational diabetes. Woot!

My niece started painting Mario scenes on the baby room walls. She's a great artist. I'll have to put up pictures soon.
Can I say I love that you're making a Mario baby room, even though the baby is a girl? That's so cool. Go geek parents!

Today I found out that I have 3 more semesters of college (plus 2 summer semesters) then my 1 year of student teaching, then I'll graduate! If all goes according to plan, I should have my own class of elementary school kids in fall 2012. It's kind of cool to think that I could be the 6th grade teacher of the 3rd graders that I spent all semester with doing fieldwork. What this means as far as babies is that we should be having our own baby in about 4 1/2 years! I want to teach for at least two years before starting a family. I will be 29. It's tough because I really want a baby sooner than that, but I think this is the wisest approach to take. I'm hoping to work part time (16 hours a week or so) at an elementary school while our children are small so I can spend most of the time at home with them but continue to be active in education. Does working 16 hours a week sound feasible to you guys? We're planning to have 3 kids, each of them 3-5 years apart so that would mean me working part time like that for about 12 years until all the kids are in school, then starting to teach again. I always wanted to be a stay at home mom, but I don't think it would be wise to only teach for 2 years and then be completely absent for 12 or more years.
naturestee wrote:
Becknutt, when is your due date? How are you feeling?

I am officially in my 3rd trimester as of today. I had my diabetes test last week and despite Type 2 running in my family, I don't have gestational diabetes. Woot!

My niece started painting Mario scenes on the baby room walls. She's a great artist. I'll have to put up pictures soon.

My due date is this thursday the 17th! I am SO ready! At my appointment last week I as dilated 2 cm. I go back tomorrow and hopefully he will check me again. :)
I'm scheduled to be induced at 6:30am on Monday! I'm so excited to finally meet my little girl, but also a little nervous...

Anyone been induced before? I've heard mixed feelings, some say the contractions are worse with pitocin.
No idea but talk about the best present ever!:highfive::hug:
Awww congratulations! She's beautiful! How are you guys doing? My cousin's name is Katie Ann. She's one of the nicest, sweetest people I know so in my experience, Katie Ann's are wonderful.
Thanks everyone!

Everything wentverywell, (other than my epidural wore off 2 hours before she was born...)she is absolutely perfect!! We had a normal delivery, thank goodness no c section. I don't want to scare you so I'll save the labor story, maybe we can all share those AFTER your births!

Coming home:


Daddy is already wrapped around her little finger...


Awwww, wow congrats Becky!! Very precious cheeks.

I hope all is going well with feeding and that you can sleep when the baby sleeps. I had problems doing that with the first which turned in to anxiety/depression. I also had my fair share of feeding issues, so please PM me if there is anything I can help with.

Well still approx 2 months left for me.

Angela, are you still sticking with the name Melody?
Oh my goodness look at all those beautiful chipmunk cheeks hehe, shes gorgeous!

Hope the rest of your pregnancy goes nice and quick jordiwies! I had scrummy baby cuddles on christmas day - with a two day old wee munchkin, she was so lovely!

look at those chubby little cheeks..
she is just such a little sweetie.

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