The War of the Thump

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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2004
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Right here..."pointing finger to pa, Minnesota, US
Diva seems to finally be "coming of age" so tospeak. She has gotten a lot more demanding of attention and seems toreally enjoy playing with things and devising games.

Now Fergi and Sam spend their day blocked in the kitchen while Diva isallowed run of the house (only because of her impeccable potty skills).They are separated by a baby gatein one doorand apiece of plywood in the other. Sam and Diva will stare at each otherthrough the baby gate, then box, then run around and thump at least10-12 times, LOUD! Fergi seems to be above this sport and doesn'tengage in any manner with the two of them while they are doing this,she just lays there and looks at them in disdain. I would certainlylike to know what is going on in my girls heads!

On another note all the girls seem to have a preference to human malesover me :(. I can understand why but it is still kind of a let down,especially with Diva. For example, last night Tony's brother came overto use the computer, most nights he is here playing online so Diva isquite familiar with him. Last night she showed how fond she was of himas well. She jumped up on the couch and chinned him all over, when hestopped petting her she was having none of it and showed her thoughtson the issue by nibbling on his jeans. He put her back on the floor andshe jumped right back up to him...she was very persistent. Never oncehas she jumped up on the couch to get lovin from me:X. Such is theprice to pay for having all girls:?.

I am not to upset about this new affection for boys, it is her comingof age, and I will always love them regardless of who they favor, theyare such funny little creatures!

Fergi's mom
LMBO Fergi have you answered the door yet becausethey sound like someone knocking ?? I have one that when in the househe will thump repeatedly and my hearing is about gone so to me itsounds like someone out there lol i have answered non exsistant companytoo many times to recall. tho finally now i have wised up lol

Thanks for the story, Fergi!!

I can just hear those thumps, and coming from a Flemish, even a mixedFlemish, Lord knows you probably not only hear them, but you feel themtoo.

Samara and Diva, ey? I was wondering when Samara was going to startcoming into her own as well. You have a lot of adolescence going onthere, My Friend.

Interesting about how Diva is with men. Buck and I have questioned ifthey are partial to the opposite sex of what they are. As we questionit, we can think of all sorts of reasons why it wouldn't be the case asall Buck's rabbits absolutely adore The Missus. Fauna also seems to bemore comfortable around women then men, Tucker would just like everyoneto leave him alone as he watches over his Kingdom, and Cali will takeany warm body if she's ready for some petting.

I can completely relate to her pushing for getting attention though. Ihad a guy here once that didn't want to be bothered with Cali. Shesnapped his socks, tugged on his jeans, jumped up on the couch next tohim and pushed her nose into his hands so that they'd fall off and pether. When she still didn't get a reaction, she walked her front paws uphis body, rested them on his shoulders, Ears Up, and looked him rightin the nose as if to say, "Are you ignoring Me??"

They are persistent, aren't they? *laughs*

ROFLMBO too funny !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
poor guy i can almost see the rolling eyes and the oh what the heck " i might as well " look
I'm sorry but this is sort of funny!

But I know what you mean! I clean up, feed, play with my boys --practically slave over them and they run away from me! This is the mostthanks I get from either bunny: ;)


OOOOOOOOO now thats a face you just want to smoosh i love the attitude lol

course if he is like one of my babies i can definately see the pinochio effect kicking in lol
Fergi they sound hilarious...... :)

Don't tell the men but I think all the animals like 'em cause they smell so bad sometimes! :p

Oh Fergi, bless your heart... how do youdo it. When Apollo thumps I'm reaching for the ear plugs and tylenol.The whole house shakes, let alone two good sized girls at the sametime. That's an attention getter huh?

I can only imagine how disappointed you feel. I knowyou love them all completely and totally but uh, no love for Mom. Ithink that's so sad. I feel so bad for you. Maybe one day the girlswill come around. Here's to hoping.


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