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Everyone looks sowonderful! :)I can't believe how big and beautiful the boyslook! It seems like just yesterday that they were just little babies!Now they are big, handsome guys, all filled out and "manly" looking,LOL!

I'm glad you discovered how much the spathing can make you feel better. I do that every now and again too. Myhubby doesn't even begin to understand, but it's one of the only thingsI do for myself.Sometimes when you feel like you can'tcontrol anything else about the way you look or feel, it's nice tocontrol your hands and feet! :)

Stay in touch, and work on that copy of the sono! :bunnydance:

Will do RAZ!!!! How's SLG, doin'? Send her my love will you?:love:

Well, Daytona won't be going to the groomer today, as his groomer hashad a family emergency. So next Wednesday he goes, and i'll post a nicechristmas photo of him for yah'!!!!

Speaking of christmas photos.... I took some of the bunns yesterday, Iwanted to do them all together but as you all know that's impossiblethese days.... So I had to tke them all seperate... But they are justhte sweetest things....

I'll post them up for you today or tomorrow!!!!

Well I had to go to the dr's because I was having some aweful pains inmy belly button area since friday. They don't know what it is yet, butthe baby seems to be doing fine. I go to my specialist on Monday,hopefully she'll be able to help... I got to hear the baby's heartbeatfor the first time, it was AMAZING!!! This dr I had was kind of anidiot, for lack of a better word. I don't think he treats many pregnantwomen... He told me that i've only gained 4lbs as yet, and that itwasn't healthy for me or the baby... I know people who only gained10-15 lbs. in an entire pregnancy, and everyone was healthy as can be!So, I basically lost it on the guy, told him he was a quack! , and thati'll NEVER be back in to see him again! :mad:


So, the pains continue a bit everyday, but i've deided to waituntil Monday and see my specialist. That's all she does is deal withpregos' like me! LOL!

I'll keep you all informed!


Don't know if thiswill help, but... I had the most awful pains in my belly when I waspregnant. It scared me to death with my first one and we rushed rightin to see the doctor.

It turns out it was ligaments pulling andmoving. I guess with some women it never bothers them at all, and thenthere are those of us that think we are dying! It got worse the furtheralong in my pregnancies I got and it was bad in each one. I also hadearly pelvic separation in each pregnancy. That wasn't pleasant either.:X

My point is, there are lots of thingsthat happen that cause discomfort, but are fairly common. Don't get tooworried. It's bad for that baby monkey for you to worry!



Thanks Raz, that does help... I was begining tothink it was just me! Everyone i've asked has never evenheard of pains like that before. Hopefully you're right and it's justmy body trying to catch up with growth of this little Monkey!

I know it's not healthy to worry, but sometimes you just can't help it!I'm a worrier by nature, so it makes it very hard....:disgust:

Thank you for all your advice and love, it really means alot to me Raz.:kiss:

It's crazy all the posts I miss. Yourbunnies are soooooooo pretty. Where do I fill outthe adoption paperwork? :love:
I won't even tell you not to worry as Iknow it's impossible not too. Just try not to worry too much ok. I hadthe belly pains too and wow did it ever hurt. It was like Razz said andjust the ligaments and such stretching, sure not pleasant.

I used to be so jealous of all the woman that never got morningsickness or the aches and pains like I did. Now I know it's just a partof it for some of us.

We love you so much Sweetie. I am so happy you got to hear baby's heart beat.

:bunnydance:Isn't it just amazing to hear. I was so happy I cried. Ok I cry easy but still.:brat:

I am so glad you are doing well and so are the Monkeys andPrincess Emma. Peter, what an awesome guy he is. Does he give lessons,I think Dale could learn from him.;)

All my love to you and the Jungle. :kiss:

Tina & Zoo Crew
lyndsy wrote:
Iknow it's not healthy to worry, but sometimes you just can't help it!I'm a worrier by nature, so it makes it very hard....:disgust:

Me too... I just can't helpit!

Some people (Carolyn &Gypsy )lecture me about not worrying and tryingharder to take care of myself.

I suppose maybe you and I should learn to take that advice!

Take Care of You!


Lyndsy, your babies look great, so beautiful.

I've just found out about your pregnancy, congratulations!. I must alsoadd that I also had pains during all my pregnancies. I know everylittle stomach pain gets you worrying, I was never off the phone to themidwife. I had extra scans during my pregnancy because I am so smalland they was worried that they wasn't getting enough nutrients andgrowing as they should. When I mentioned the pains they said it waseverything stretching. At one point I really thought I was gonna loseKeira, the pains were sooo bad. It really is a scary time for usMummysisn't it? I will keep you in my thoughts however, andwill look forward to you posting when you and your baby get the allclear from the specialist.

Thank you all for your concerns. It helps to know there are women out there that have gone through this.

Lissa, if you catch me on a bad day they're ALL up for adoption!!!! LMBO!

Tina bo bina! It's very hard not to worry about something that meansmore to me than life itself. Little Monkey! His/her brothers havetought him/her well!!!! Did you get my address????

RAZ! Everyone has always told me to stop worrying about every littlething, I even lose sleep over STUPID things, like, 'I hope daytonadoesn't mind his hair cut' :foreheadsmack:

I have noticed since i've become pregnant, i've tried very hard to notworry about the uncontrollable things in life, such as daytonashaircut.... LOL!

Vickie, thank you so much for your well wishes, and youradvice as well. Like I said before, it's nice to know i'm not the ONLYone!!!

I'm off to do some christmas shopping!!! I'll post the christmas pics of the Monkeys! and her ROYAL HIGHNESS later!!!!

agian, all my love!

Well i'm back from the dr's and all is well!

Tha pains i've been having are caused from the scar of my belly ring. Apparently scar tissue doesn't stretch very well.

We also are scheduled to go in for our ultrasound on Monday, so if thebaby cooperates well know wether it's a boy or a girl! So place yourbets everyone!!!!!

I can't stay on any longer as i'm supposed to be working at the moment....:D

I'll come and chat again later!

Great news Lindsy, I've been thinking about you.I'm glad it is nothing to worry about.Have you had to takeyour belly ring out? I managed to keep mine in with Alyssa and Caitlyn,but with keira itstretched so much it got sore?

I'm betting a girl. I love the 20 week scan when they can tell. I justhope your little one co-operatesfor you :). Try and get apicture and post it on here. I love scan pictures, makes the baby seemmore real.

My belly ring was ripped on, when I was inschool, and left this AWEFUL looking scar on my tummy, so I can imaginewht the saring on the inside is like!!!

Everyon but myself, Peter, and my dad thinks we're having a girl... Idon't know why, but from day one i've been calling the baby a boy.

Hopefully we'll find out on Monday!!!!

Any other guesses before we find out??????

:elephant::bunnydance::colors:ITS A GIRL!!!!!:elephant::bunnydance::colors:

The ultrasound showed no boy 'parts' for lack of a better word....

She didn't stop moving the whole time we were in there, making fists,and crossing her arms, kicking up a storm, and dancing on my bladder!!!!

I must say that you may think you're prepared to hear such news as apregnant woman, but I wasn't! It was SOOOOO amazing to see her littlebody squirming around in there.

I can't wait to meet her. To see who she looks like. How amazing is the whole process of creating life....

:groupparty:Congrats!! Jeremy is tickledto death to know he's getting a girl cousin. We are so happy for you.Jeremy said he is so happy you have a girl. This is so awesome Sweetie.I bet you are on cloud nine right now.

Tina and Jeremy


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