The Bunhalla Buns 2009

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I have a couple of recent pictures that I can post, but they're not the best. I really need to try to get some better ones.

Anyways here they are...

Here is a picture of Zeus' memorial on top of the cage:




Barnaby and Berry...


Don't mind the mess...these picture where taken before I cleaned that day!

I have to go through my photobucket account and move some pictures around, it's getting pretty confusing with all the pictures I upload. Hopefully that doesn't affect my blog too much! I'll try to take more/better pictures sometime soon :)
More pictures!

I just took these pictures this morning :) Eh don't mind my dog. Kitsune is convinced he's a bunny too so he snuck into a lot of the pictures. :p

First here's Ziggy. He had to get his nails clipped today, poor guy. The other two got theres clipped last week but I waited to do Ziggy's. He haates being held and usually puts up a good fight when it's nail clipping time. Suprisingly he wasn't that bad today.




Here's the lovely Berry...


And cute little Barnaby. He'll be 3 in a couple of months!


And then finally some group shots, a couple of which include Kitsune, my 8 month old papillon who thinks he's a bunny. Also, Berry has ear control so a couple of these show her with one of her ears up :inlove:









Sorry there's so many. I took a lot more and just randomly picked some to show off. :)
No new pictures of my bunny babies today!

I just got done posting the schdule for the bunspace secret santa. It's so much work but really fun! Last year was the first time I did it on bunspace - we had 62 (I believe) bunnies join and not a single one didn't get a gift. :) Before last year I use to do it on myspace, back when I had Zeus. So I've been doing this evvery year for this will be the 4th year. Seems early to be thinking about Christmas but I had a lot of "bunnies" asking me to start early this year.

If anyone has bunspace accounts and is interested be sure to check out our group page! It hasen't started yet this year but will be pretty soon.
Thanks! I was so excited when I saw the picture of Ziggy with his tongue out, so cute! I don't have many tongue pictures.

I got so frustrated with cleaning up after my crew the other day that I ordered them a $20 really high sided litter box. I'm hoping it helps to contain more of the hay then the smaller boxes I have now. We'll see. I didn't really want to spend so much on a litter box but it seems like not even 5 minutes after I clean their room there is hay all over the place again! They where about due for a new box anyways.
I still haven't gotten a bun tongue photo of my boys. They are QUICK!

I think I saw a high edge litter box in walmart awhile ago and I didn't think I'd want one at the time but lately my boy Kirby has also been very weird about his weeing. It's been missing the box on the edge and hitting the floor :( Hay pieces everywhere, stray poop is all about when he hops out of the box... I get what you mean. It's like you're continuously picking up after the bunnies.

We really are bun slaves :)
I've really enjoyed all of the pics you posted. The new condo looks great!!! You should be proud of yourself, having done such a great job putting together the perfect condo for your bunny-masters. Glad to hear that the bunnies have taken to it so quickly. :D

Your trio is beautiful!! I love Barnaby's wild hair-do, especially when Berry has her turn smooching him up. :pAwe, little Berry looks like a little snuggle-bug... smmmmooooches to her!! LOL about Ziggy's tongue pic. He looks like a real sweetie also. Very photogenic, that little guy is. ;)

When will we get to see more pics?!!! I can't resist such cuteness for too long and absolutely need a fix from time-to-time. ;):p


The new litter box is scheduled to be delivered on Wednesday. I get everything on-line lol. I really hope it helps to contain the mess at least a little. I had to completely clean out my vacuum last week because it was all clogged up with hay that they had thrown alll over the floor. I am constantly cleaning up after my messy bunnies!

Berry is the snuggler of the group. Barnaby will tolerate it too as long as the snuggling is occurring in front of the tv, ha. Ziggy just always wants to explore and play, him and my dog love each other. Ziggy chases Kit around the apartment, which Kit loves.

So over the weekend the bunnies got a new room. They still have their own room, and it's pretty much the same size, it's just in a different spot. Instead of having the room off of the living room they now have the room off of the bedroom. My finance and I thought this might be a better set up because he wants to use the old bunny room for his video games and arcade machine. Ha, what can I say, it's something I have to tolerate being engaged to a video game artist. He lets me have all the pets I want and even devote a whole room to them, I put up with his obsession with video games.

Anyways, so my thinking was, that when he has his arcade machine up I don't really want his friends to have to tromp through our bedroom to go play games. So I gave him the room off of the living room, and moved the bunnies to the room off the bedroom. It's actually a better location for them I think, because it's in a quieter area of the house.

I'm getting a bookshelf hopefully this week to put in their room for some of my stuff to go on. The bunnies will have to share a little with me. I need to get new curtains too and I'm sure I'll think of more stuff.

I'll try to get pictures soon, I'll have to show off their new room and hopefully with the new litter box it will be cleaner than usual!

Oooooh, and if anyone can recommend some good toys I could get them to put out on the floor for them? I'm thinking bigger stuff, like stuff they can climb on/in and hide in and stuff like that. Their floor is pretty much empty except for some old boxes I gave them. I have some extra money I can spend on them, and then Barnaby's birthday is in Nov., and then Christmas (I know I'm crazy to already be thinking about Christmas!) so I will need to get them new stuff!
Yeah it's sisal. I got it online. It's pretty big so it covers a lot of the floor in the bunny room. Barnaby hates walking on the vinyl floors we have so I had to cover the floor for him.

I got it from this site:

This is the one I got:

It does have the black cotton border and the bottom of it is coated in latex so it doesn't slip. My bunnies luckily haven't chewed on it at all. We had a few incidents where they peed on it, but I wash the pee spots with a lot of water and then once it dried again you couldn't see the spots.

The bunnies loooove to run around on it. It's rough though, so it's not as comfortable for me to walk/sit on.
My 3rd cut Kleenmama hay is scheduled to be delivered sometime today. I feel like I shouldn't be this excited about a box of hay :biggrin2: Timing couldn't be better though, I am just about out of hay and was worried that I'd have to pick some up at the pet store waiting for my order to get here. I really wish now that I had ordered more than 10 lbs. I haven't ordered "just" 10 lbs of hay since before I got Zigs and Berry. I have a feeling it's not going to last long at all, especially if it's as good as it's rumored to be. Oh well, I'll get one of the 45 lb boxes next time as long as they like it. I'm a bit nervous about trying new hay now, since the time I ordered like 50 lbs of hay from Farmer Dave and all 3 of my bunnies hated it.

I've kind of been slacking on keeping up with the cleaning lately, so it really sucked cleaning the room on tuesday. I need to push myself to keep to my every other day cleaning schedule, or else the room starts to smell. Not good, since it's right next to our bedroom. I haven't been feeling well for awhile now and last week was diagnosed with severe vitamin B deficiency. I have to go in for Vit. B shots now and will have to continue to do so for the rest of my life, since apparently the deficiency is caused by my own immune system destroying cells in my stomach that produce what you need to be able to digest vit. B from food. I'm starting to feel better already though!

Well I'm really just trying to kill time here until the hay gets here. Think I'll go clean there room now before it gets here so they can eat it out of nice clean litter boxes.
Thanks! :biggrin2: I think I might know what you're talking about. Poor Ziggy does have a big head lol, and look at the size of his nose! He was leaning forward towards the camera though, so that made his head look even bigger than usual.

Still no hay. I wish it would hurry up and get here! I was in with the bunnies and actually brushed Ziggy for awhile without getting any battle wounds. :bunnydance:
Ugh the hay got here today, a day late. At least it got here though, because I used the last of the Farmer Dave hay last night.

Everyone is happily munching on the new hay now, including my dog. Lol I swear sometimes that my dog is Zeus reincarnated.

I really wish now that I had ordered more than 10 lbs. I don't think it's going to last very long with my 3 hay fiends. I'm going to order more soon I think, 45 lbs this time, maybe half 3rd cut and half something else. I'm loving the Kleenmama hay and so are the bunners. I don't remember why I stopped using them before, but I think I'm going to stick with them for awhile.

These are the pumpkins my fiance and I carved last weekend. We decided to get really small ones so they wouldn't take up a ton of space. This was only my fiances second time carving pumpkins, we had a lot of fun. And I baked the seeds afterwards...yum!




The bunnies...




Not very good pictures, but I wanted to just take a few quickly. :)

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