Teddy Bear hates food bowls

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Ashtin - Member
Jul 11, 2012
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Manhattan, Kansas, USA
I always knew I loved rabbits, I just didn't know I would love a rabbit THIS MUCH.


"I hate this shelter place."

I adopted Teddy Bear about a month ago from the local animal shelter. I saw her sleeping in her cage (At the time I believed she was a boy... The shelter told me she was a boy.) I fell in love. After going to several stores around town, getting a cage, food, etc. and a cardboard carrier to bring her home in, I was ready.

Or at least that's what I thought.

Teddy was not shy AT ALL after bringing her home. She hopped every which way around my room while I set up the cage, nudging me with her nose if I was in her way. I was thinking to myself, aren't rabbits supposed to be scared of everything? Where's the hiding? Where's the dashing off when I move? I managed to catch a very silly picture once she finally wore herself out.


"What's so funny?"

The next couple days had her going to the vet and finding out she was a girl, terrorizing the dogs, and stealing my pillow every chance she got. Oh, you want to nap? You can situate your head around me.


"This is MY pillow. This pillow is MINE."

I took her to get spayed two days ago, and she's already back trying to hop about. As adorable as her binkies are, I don't want her to tear her stitches... I feel so blessed to have her in my life, fluffy bum and all.


And it is a VERY fluffy bum.
Aww she is just a doll and I share the exact same sentiments. Agnes took my heart by the strings and has not let go! I wuv her so :)

She sounds like your Teddy Bear. Agnes has bonded very well and is very comfortable around me too. She follows me, nudges for pets, lays on my lap. Very "unbun" like. Haha
Congrats on your bun. Looking forward to hearing more!
Teddy Bear is beautiful....these little guys sure have a way to make us fall in love with them..
I gave her a mini Uglydoll of mine and caught her cuddling with it a few minutes ago! Way too cute. But as soon as I got the camera out, she shot up awake. Goshdarnit. :( Maybe she'll do it again...
I'm pretty sure Teddy Bear thinks her name is "Aww." I'll say "Teddy!" and she'll be like "Whatever, I'm sleeping." But if I say "Awwwwww, how cute!" she'll pop up like "I know, now pet me."

I caught a picture of her ALMOST cuddling her Uglydoll (If laying on top of something counts as cuddling it.)

In other news, I went fishing today, which was very unsuccessful. You know those little fish that nibble on your worm until it's gone, but never actually bite? Yeah, I think those were the only kind of fish in the whole lake. :grumpy: I was super mad. But I got to spend the day grilling/eating/fishing with the boyfriend and his family, which is always nice. They're such a nice bunch. :)
We're getting ready to move! Pretty soon we'll be packing...


Teddy's been helping. ;)

I'm getting ready to rabbit proof my room from scratch, which will be pretty exciting. Teddy won't have to be stuck up in her cage anymore, which I admit is pretty small... I was going to get an xpen and attach it, but if bunny-proofing goes well, I may not even need it. :pray:


Also, Teddy has found a new place to sleep; in the four-inch space between the wall and her cage. I thought I lost her for a bit and was freaking out looking for her, and this is where I found her. Crazy rabbit...
Teddy has a new favorite toy:


This box is about four feet long, and I spent about 15 minutes watching Teddy run through it again and again. I'm glad she's so easy to please. :biggrin:
eeeeeeee fluffy bum!!!!! So fluffy!

Hahaha but yeah I had some what the same experience when I brought Harvey home for the first time (he's my first rabbit). He just settled right in and claimed everything as his own. And completely bossed the cats around.
I thought maybe I would take a short break from talking about Teddy and introduce my other animals.

The one we've had the longest is our little dog, Tipper. He's a Pomeranian and really, really annoying. But he lets you pick him up and flip him over and grab his little paws to make him dance, and never fusses about it. He's a silly little dog.
Okay, that didn't work so well. So I'll just post some pictures and tell you their names...

Pixel (At boyfriend's house due to allergies, also with cagemate Kentucky, who does not have a picture)

Sophie (She looks like this :X)

Tipper (He knows he's cute...)

Shiva (She lives with my dad in Oklahoma, she's a giant schnauzer and super old...)

Gabby, pictured with my 12 year old picture for size reference. (Fat fat cat!)

Tipper giving Gabby kisses

And of course, Teddy Bear. :)
I have been so busy the last couple days. It's been packing, laundry, go get that, go do this... I can't sit still this week. :panic:We should be all moved in this weekend though, which is good.

Teddy has started spending a lot of time with me in bed in the mornings. I'll wake up at 7:30-8 every morning, let her out, and go back to bed. Usually she's pretty active, but lately she just wants to cuddle. :bunnyheart I love this rabbit.


Something bad did happen yesterday. I had a panic attack in front of my boyfriend for the first time. :( It was the first one in months, and it was really random. Seconds earlier we had been laughing. I think I scared him pretty bad, but I had told him I have panic attacks before, so he wasn't completely caught off guard. He helped me slow my breathing down so I didn't hyperventilate, which was really smart of him. Most of the time when I have panic attacks, I'm alone, so it was a lot less scary with him there.
OOooooo fat cat <3

Don't know why the rest of my reply got left out. Anyway yikes panic attacks are not fun. It's good you had that support :)
Yeah, and I'm glad he knows what to expect now, in case it happens again. It can be a scary experience for everyone involved. I'm actually really worried/stressed/upset about it, because I thought I was done with them, which obviously will not help me not have more panic attacks. :sigh:
Love all your pets! That Teddy bear sure is cute. Love that she cuddles in bed with you.cute!

Sorry for the panic attack. Glad your boyfriend could help you. I've had one panic attack in my life and it was the worst thing EVER! For those who have never had one, don't underestimate how scary they actually are.

I was fine right before mine too. It came on fast and I thought imwas having a heart attack or that I needed to jump out of my skin NOW. It was horrible.

I'm sorry you have them. I'm glad I've never had one since and hope imdont ever again.

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