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Well-Known Member
May 22, 2012
Reaction score
Knoxville, , USA
Do you give your rabbits supplements?

I've seen a bunch in the stores and online for digestive health and such and I'm wondering if they're worth it.
I've been giving the joint support. The buns really like them but I really have no idea if they really help or not since I don't have a bun with bad joints *Knock on wood*. But I'm hoping they are good for preventative!
mimosa wrote:
Do you give your rabbits supplements?

I've seen a bunch in the stores and online for digestive health and such and I'm wondering if they're worth it.
--no offense,but i donot buy treats,or supplements,--however i do offer probotics to a sick rabbit,,-and offer weeds (from the safe list)--timothy grasses-24/7,with h2o,-and some purina pellets,--sincerely james waller
Ours get veggies, herbs, orchard grass, small bit of fruit, and small amount of pellet. Usually, most of the stuff in stores are ingredients for expensive urine.
Becky has chronic health issues so I give her perfect food. I also take it and I feel it helps to boost the immune system. The vet said it couldn't hurt her.

It has probiotics and lots of antioxidants. The vet said originally she would have to have antibiotic eye drops indefinately because of the snuffles. With this she doesn't need them. If I stop giving her the supplement then the drippy eyes comes back within a few days and go away with the supplement.

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