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New Member
May 24, 2010
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Detroit, Michigan, USA

I'm fairly new to the site and new bunny owner. Had our bunny since April. Supposedly he was born in December. Bought him from a breeder. Bought him a beautiful cage, corner litter box. He does not pee in it. Only poops sometimes in it. Pees on plastic bottom of cage. I have been doing some reading here and decided to put in more litter boxes. (its a very large cage) I have a corner one, and two small size litter boxes. He is hopping from box to box kicking out the litter everywhere. I don't think he has peed in the cage, but am so surprised by this.....he apparently has backed up (not in the corner of cage) and pooped in his water bowl. He has peed in it also in the past. How crazy is that? I love him. I'm actually a mother of a teen and a 12 year old. I'm attached to him and trying to help 12 yo train him. What do we do? This is confusing. Will it help to neuter him???

Any input is appreciated!

Is there other bedding or litter in the rest of the cage? If there is, remove it. If the rabbit can pee somewhere and it gets absorbed, they won't learn that it is not a good idea to pee there. If there is no bedding, they will have to deal with the spot until you can clean it up. It is also easier to clean up spots when you don't have other bedding and such around.

Putting hay in the litter box can help. Many rabbits will pee/poop while they eat. So having the box right there will catch the pee/poops. Try to keep the hay in one end so he doesn't pee on it then eat it.

Having too many litter boxes might not help. 1 is usually enough, but if they cage is big or he has a couple areas, then 2 can be used. Putting a screen or something in the box can help with him kicking it out.

Neutering can help. However, it can take a few weeks or even months for it to take effect and you to notice a difference. There is a chance that it won't help with litter habits.

Keep the rest of the cage clean. Soak up pee with a paper towel and out it in the box. Sweep up poops with a dust pan and put those in the box too. Keeping the box a bit dirty can help especially with the rest of the cage being clean.


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