Suggestions for new male bunny?

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Nov 9, 2018
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Central Coast CA
Just adopted a year old male bunny, Uno, from the shelter, to live with our two spayed lionheads. Uno is to have a wellness check next week and i dont think he is neutered. So am keeping him separate. The two females live on different floors of a large two story indoor cage and have outdoor play hutches as well. Dutchess (four yr old) was very excited to see the new bunny when i held him up to her. Abby (1 yr old) didnt show any reaction. I havent examined the new bunny yet (for testicles) but will let him see the girls in a side by side cage. He was so excited! Any suggestions re bonding one male withtwo spayed females? Thank you!
It should actually be better that your 2 girls have not yet bonded. Trios sometimes have a better chance when all 3 are introduced (begin bonding) at the same time. That can go better than trying to introduce a 3rd bunny to an established pair.

Once he's neutered you'll want to wait several weeks before bonding to give those hormones a chance to fully dissipate. There's an excellent resource at the following link for bonding trios. Just click on section 7 in the table of contents to go to that section: BONDING Bunnies : CottonTails Rabbit & Guinea Pig Rescue
It should actually be better that your 2 girls have not yet bonded. Trios sometimes have a better chance when all 3 are introduced (begin bonding) at the same time. That can go better than trying to introduce a 3rd bunny to an established pair.

Once he's neutered you'll want to wait several weeks before bonding to give those hormones a chance to fully dissipate. There's an excellent resource at the following link for bonding trios. Just click on section 7 in the table of contents to go to that section: BONDING Bunnies : CottonTails Rabbit & Guinea Pig Rescue
Blue Eyes, thank you for the suggestions and the bonding link! Am s hoping they will bond. It is hard to be patient, but a few weeks or a month is worth waiting if they like each other and are happy.
Got a vet appt for neuteringfor Uno. They are very busy, wanted me to wait 10 weeks but finally agreed to an appt about 3 weeks. He is peeing to mark when i let him run around, so i put plastic down. I dont have an extra outdoor play cage, just two, so will have to let them play outside one bunny per cage in shifts i guess. He is a real sweetie. I want to give him more exercise so am looking for a sturdy playpen.
Uno visited the vet for a wellness check. He was so friendly and well behaved! Dutchess is definitely interested in him, keeps watching him from her cage. I let him run around for exercise. Need to get a bunny run to attachto our two story hutch, for after he is fixed and everyone is bonded. Because of the thunderstorms, sadly could not put the bunnies in the outdoor cages today.
Uno is a really sweet bunny! He is to go to the vet tomorrow to be fixed and i am so nervous. I hate to get the bunnies fixed even though i know it is better for their physical and mental health. Uno will get two spayed females to bond with after his hormones dissipate.
Thank you for your good wishes. Uno isnt eating yet, just sitting like a statue. Will give him the meloxicam and tryto coax him to eat. If he wont eat will offer critical care and ask vet about reglan. I feel so guilty as Uno was so happy go lucky and eager to eat and socialize before his surgery. I hate to pick him up and get him out of the cage to give him his med, afraid i am hurting him

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