strange behavior - grass stuffed in mouth

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Blue eyes

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Mar 20, 2012
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Arizona, USA

I am actually asking this for my niece since I have no answers for her.
She is on the east coast and her bunny above, who is let out daily for romps in the grass, has started stuffing her face with grass and just running around with it hanging in her mouth. She's just keeping it in her mouth like that. (My niece isn't sure if her bun is male or female. It's at least 5 years old.)

Any ideas?
Is the rabbit doing anything with the grass? Intact females can make a nest and act pregnant even if they are not. Since you niece doesn't know the sex, it it very likely that the rabbit is not fixed. It would be a good idea to get the rabbit sexed (should not be too hard).

Sometimes rabbits do things for fun, so it could just be the rabbit having fun.

It would be a good idea for your niece to keep an eye on the rabbit and see if there is any nest making (usually using hay and fur) as that is a sign of a false pregnancy.
If it is a sign of false pregnancy and she begins building a nest, is there anything that should be done or do you just let her do what she's doing?

Oh, and no, she's not doing anything with the grass -- just keeping it in her mouth.
I asked if she was pulling out fur and she said no. She also said all poos are normal and she's acting healthy.
Just like our little Bonny used to do with shredded newspaper--looked like a giant bowtie and she'd stuff a box full with it. She was also neutered but still exhibited some of the courting behaviors too.
I would just let her do what she is doing. I would also provide a box just incase the rabbit wants to make a nest.
You generally don't want to disturb building a nest, but with a false pregnancy they will usually destroy it after a little while.

If there is not nest building and she running around with grass, then probably nothing to worry about.
Ferkel did that before she got spayed. She collected grass and stuffed a hole she had dug in the backyard. Her false pregnancy lasted a few days then she was over it.
Definitely a false pregnancy! (Unless of course, it is a real pregnancy!) :) Just act as though she is pregnant, give her a box, and she'll get over it!
OMG so cute.
I would just let her continue with what she's doing, because its probably ADORABLE! (As long as there is not health issue, of course)
I would LOVE it if my bun ran around with grass in her mouth like that!

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