Steel Cage Smackdown: Rabbit vs Dog

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MyBabyHasPaws wrote:
^Yea, I get all that, but as you stated him being a rabbit he may or may not obey.
It is the context that is important. When out for our walks he does obey to the extent that is needed. He might choose to dawdle a bit and have a snack, but he does come. He does not wander off or run away, he follows me when he is ready to move on. And that is fine with me. He knows the routine, knows what he is not allowed to do and he conforms to that in his own way and in his own sweet time.

Typically, inside or outside there is a lag time before he conforms to a command, just to show me who is boss. Unless of course I show him that I have some banana, then there is usually immediate compliance.

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