Spayed Rabbit Suddenly Becoming Aggressive

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Feb 2, 2016
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I'm becoming concerned about my rabbit Stevie. She was spayed three months ago and is coming up on a year of age. Recently she has become very aggressive with me. She used to love being pet through her crate as I walked by. Over the past week she has lunged at me through the bars a couple of times. Just tonight when I had her out everything seemed to be going well. She nipped a bit too hard while trying to groom me and I said ouch and she ran off for a bit. Moments later she came back wanting to be pet again then suddenly she started lunging at my hand and biting me repeatedly (drawing blood).

The only thing that has changed is I did bring home a new bunny a week ago. She gets along well with my other rabbit, never had a problem. When I first introduced her (cautiously) she attacked him (he's alright, I was holding onto him so one couldn't do anything too bad to the other for safety sake). Obviously I have not had them around each other since then.
I'm just wondering if this new very aggressive behavior is solely from the new rabbit, and if there is anything I can do about it. They each have their own kennels, and cannot see each other regularly. Their exercise and play time out is never at the same time, but it's the only time one might see the other.

Any help or tips on this would be very appreciated!
I would say it is due to the new rabbit. After I brought Butterscotch and Ellie from the farm (I brought them in September of last year, so nearly a year ago), Pippi became super territorial. Eben now, she tends to bit the crap out of my hand if I smell like either of them. For a 4 pound Holland Lop, she's pretty feisty.

If I handle Butterscotch or Ellie, I make sure to stay away from Pippi's teeth until the next morning.

There really might not be anything you can do about it. Just like a you probably can't stand some certain person, your rabbit probably just doesn't like something about the other rabbit. It happens, and you really can't force them to get along.

It's just a shame sometimes, because we all want all of our fluff balls to get along.
I'm not sure I understand. You say you brought another rabbit that she attacked and then you kept both of them separated. But you say she gets along well with your "other" rabbit. Are there 2 or 3 rabbits here? If 3, are 1 and 2 bonded? Where was n°2 when you were introducing 1 and 3?
Is the new rabbit neutered? Wat do you mean when you say that your doe attacked him? Jumping on his back, pulling some fur and humping is completely normal - she was there first and she's female, she has to establish dominance on a new comer.
Also, how much time does she get out of her cage? It sounds like the arrival of your new bunny awakened some territorial behavior. She might feel threatened by his presence and the fact that they don't see each other doesn't mean she doesn't know he's there (I know bonded rabbits who suddenly became agressive and "unbonded" because there was another rabbit in the house - he was in a completely different part of the house and they never even saw him, but they could smell / hear him, I guess).
@Akz: Thanks, it's disappointing that they just may never get along, but I can live with that. Her attacking me though is definitely something that needs to be worked on. It just seemed so out of place.

@Aki: Yes, there are three rabbits. Stevie and Ziggy are not bonded but get along. and Ziggy gets along with both Puck and Stevie (Puck is the newest rabbit). Neither Puck nor Ziggy are neutered yet since they're not old enough, but they both will be getting neutered at 6 months of age.
When I say attack I mean lunged at and chomped down. Puck still has a scab that's healing.
I try to give them all at least 3 hours out a day. Some times they get more, some times less depending on life situations.

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