Spay done today... not feeling so great.

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Active Member
Apr 3, 2011
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Northeast, , USA
Okay so my bunny had her spay surgery. The vet said everything went great! I brought her home and they wanted me to make sure she got some food in before giving her a dose of Metacam at 8:30.

I tried everything! Treats, papaya tablets (she loves those!), lettuce, apples... and she has her regular hay and pellets. She ate nothing..

Barely moving, she hopped in her litter box, but quickly zoned out and stayed there for a good hour and a half.

I called the vet... he had me give her the Metacam anyways and said if she didn't eat by the morning I need to bring her in..

Anyone else have an experience like this?

:( I'm so nervous.
What worked for Molly is crushing up some cilantro, and sprinkling her Metacam over it. You could also try syringing her some pumpkin/baby food/mashed herbs with the Metacam in it.

The Metacam should make her feel better, and therefore may help her to feel hungry. If there's no sign of her touching her food by tomorrow morning, you may need to syringe her some water and mushy food. Offer her lots of treats, but try to keep them healthy like fresh herbs, carrot tops, or romaine. Avoid sugry treats for now.

Females can take a couple of hours to start eating on her own again. Don't worry momma, your baby should be fine!

(BTW, I'm sure by "lettuce" you mean romaine?)
I know! It's hard, but she'll be out of sorts for tonight and tomorrow, and then she should start acting more normal again. She's probably still groggy, too.
Hi do you have pumpkin? I would try that or even Critical Care if you have that, syringe it if you have to.
I'd try any thing that she really likes, you want to gets something into her.

The Metacam makes a big difference!
She will be a little zoned out for a bit...
hopefully in the morning she will be feeling a bit better.
Some bunns are just more sensitive to pain than others...if she isn't eating in the morning she may need another dose of Metacam to set her straight again!

Give her favorite treats another go in the morning!

Worrying is what bunny parents do best! :)
Well for a little update! This morning my bunny was chewing at the bandage on her foot. So when I went to remove it lo and behold THEY LEFT THE IV IN.

I could not believe it, I rushed her to the vet. They took it out and I made sure they are going to reprimand the vet tech who dropped the ball. I can't BELIEVE them. My vet put her on Critical Care from Oxbow that I will syringe feed her and they gave her some fluids.

I'm hoping she'll begin to feel better with all of this... oh and the fact that she doesn't have a needle shoved into her.

..Still in shock.
OMG! That was quite the oversight! No wonder the poor girl was uncomfortable. :(

My girl also didn't want to eat when she first came home. I fed her critical care for a couple days and she was back to her normal self. Rather than mixing it just with water I used cooled chamomile herbal tea and also mixed in a little baby food to make it taste better since I had the plain kind.

As soon as she's feeling better she will be wanting to run all over, but make her stay quiet for a week so she doesn't rip the stitches out. :)
the only time we had any problem was with a male--and him not eating was considered catastrophic as he lived for food. The next day he was fine, but, he didn't have a needle left in either.
Poor little girl, no wonder. The above advise sounds great. Have you tried wrapping her in a fuzzy blanket and just quietly holding her for awhile. Sometimes human contact is comforting and just what they need. You too!!
OMG that's disgusting.:shock: They should have reimbursed you the total amount of the spay. I would have put up a real fuss. I'd be afraid of infection.

The poor baby she deserves lots of kisses:big kiss: and treats from her mommy.

bunch of goobers.

I would def be asking for a refund.
Or a credit for future services...which might be even better.

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