So i need some advice about humping and pulling fur

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Feb 23, 2022
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We have 2 rabbits, 1 that we got like in 2019 or starting 2020? n one that we got in October 2020. They're.. Kinda adults? Idk. Both are females.

Since we got them they always hump and such, we didn't do much about it.. But lately they have been pulling out each others fur out when humping.. I don't think that they are actually biting, just taking out tiny bits of fur.

They do get along n all, share food, litterboxes, a room,and even flop next to each other n lick each other..

Neither are spayed as I'm aware because my parents don't really want to do that and say it's too expensive. Not sure if i should just let them hump n pull fur or what.
Not all rabbits get along with each other well, if the characters aren't compatible and they can't sort out the hierachy more or less subliminal tensions may persist.

Do they both hump and pull fur, or is it only one?

I have a pair where the older doe, Fury (10), is megalomaniac dominant, but the other, Red(8), is submissive and doesn't take the humping, shooing and occasional tuft of fur to heart, just goes to another part of the hutch - out of sight - until everyone cooled down. Then they are best friends again. Wouldn't work with any other of my rabbits, it's the combination of characters that needs to work.
I can't tell if the stress level in your pair is ok, or too high, you'll have to trust your gut feeling there.

What imho really helps is when they can go out of sight, and not just into a hidey house or so. Both my pairs of does have 2 hutches, connected with a tunnel. They also get garden time, Fury puts a lot of energy into digging tunnels.
Spaying is said to help with seasonal mood swings, but I didn't see much change in the inherent character of my 2 spayed does though.
The one we got in October is the one mainly humping and pulling fur, the other one humps occasionally too but not fur pulling, and As i said i can't really get them spayed since I'm a minor n my parents don't want to.