So excited!!

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maherwoman wrote:
I had a feeling there were still many left from that April '08 surrender. Poor things...

This is the third mass surrender in Edmonton since then.

The first was in April '08, where the shelter asked the EARS club (Edmonton Area Rabbit Society) for help and assistance to handle all the rabbits. That is how I got involved and then the Executive Director asked me to become a volunteer. Jan adopted the very last rabbit from that group, a bunny called Morning Glory (Jester).

Everything was a trial and error and this is how we have everything set up at the shelter now.

Members from this forum had a hand in helping out too. Tonyshuman suggestion about an emergency rescue fund was well received by the shelter. And many members donated and sent money... And four members from this forum adopted a rabbit from the first group. :biggrin2:

Oh wow! How many people are out there with masses of buns??

I hope to be able to make a difference somehow, just as soon as I can. I want to volunteer in person, or donate things, adopt eventually. :)
maherwoman wrote:
Oh wow! How many people are out there with masses of buns??

There are people (like cat people) who hoard animals (rabbits)and once they get out of hand it becomes a serious problem. :(

One place was a big house and it was ruined when the rabbits over ran it.
That is an awesome rabbit setup! Is it at a shopping mall?!

Rosie, we may be getting a hammie soon. I personally really like hamsters. They're the easiest pet ever to take care of. Clean cage, feed, water, give toys. Play! I've had several hamsters over the years. Our last one died just over a year ago. My first hamster was one of the regular syrian ones with the short fur that looks like this:

She was an amazing pet. Then I had a real Siberian Dwarf Hamster, she was also incredible. After that I had several Campbell's Dwarves who were all good pets and one long haired Syrian. One of the dwarves was bitey when she was young and the long haired Syrian bit sometimes (loved them anyway), but the others were all great.

You can keep Campbell's Dwarves together if you buy them at the same time and have a big enough enclosure. I got Emmy and Lily together and they were best buddies. I put two wheels in their cage so they could run at the same time. It was so cute to see them interact...

We want to get a cat when we buy a house in about 3 years so I figure now is a good time to have a hamster! I know people have cats and hamsters at the same time, but we'll already be having cats and cockatiels and I don't want to have to worry about the cat consuming half of my pets.

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