Smokies(RIP) and D.C.; Saskatoon Sweethearts

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May 19, 2008
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Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Ok some of you will remember my last Blog Adventures of Fluffy and Monsters this blog has been closed down to my loss of Fluffy and Monsters.

With there passing brought Home my other 2 Bunnies Smokies and D.C.
I reintroduced them to RO here

Here a few pictures I took the 2nd night they were home.  They have a small area of the apt which is the hallway so I gave them a box to hid out in and put lots of hay in there for them so they eat and hide out and relax.


Hang out



On Tuesday July 30th I brought them home.  I let the door to the carrier open so they could explore a bit while I got there cage from the storage room.  My sister was sort of watching them but mostly watching Smokies and D.C. went MIA for a bit.  We couldn't find him untill I took 1 look under my bed after my sister did a failed to see the brown spot under the bed.  lol


On Monday I went over to my parents house to see my Bun Kids.  And I brought them out while I was chatting with Jen - Mouse_Chalk, Ali - JadeIcing, and Kate - WhaleyK98 and Tracy - Flashy.  I feel like I'm missing someone.



That's it for now.  I have had these two Bun kids for about 4-5 years.  I adopted both when they were both Babies.
LuvaBun wrote:
I am so pleased you have them back home, Becka. Looks like they've settled right back in. Such a cute, cuddly couple :)

I'm happy to have them here. They are doing quite well. Just have to keep an eye on Smokies but other than that everything looks good.

They are settling in very well and I have more pictures to prove it. And I got my very first bunny Kisses from Smokies. I was sitting on the floor in the hallway with them and Smokies came to visit me and picked her front paws up and so she was standing up straight so I could rub her belly which I did and didn't have a problem with it. And I was also Scritching her head/ears and I got a couple of kisses :) My Sister said I forced them out of her but I'll take forced or love kisses. Smokies is turning out to me my girl again, When I walk out/step over the NIC grids in the doorway to make sure no bunny girl enters so she came up to me and nodge my feet. My a sweet heart. I've fallen in love with her all over again. :inlove:

D.C. has turned into the little Rex I never knew. I'll tell yah about that once the Pictures are uploaded.

While I was home and update I let Smokies and D.C. have run of the hallway and them seem to enjoy it so far. It isn't much but they aren't complaining yet. In the afternoon after coming home from my parents place I decided to fold the clothes in the second room we walk into the room without walking on the clothes and I had buns out and they were doing really good. I left the door open so they can come in and say hi and they would both poke me from behind and run away, what little sweethearts :)

While having them home I seem less depressed for the loss of Monsters and Fluffy even though I did have a melt down the other day talking to Tracy-Flashy but that was more over Smokies being sick.

I took some new photo's of the gang yesterday and a short movie of D.C. getting into mischief. On top there hiddie box i was keep a bowl full of food. I showed the bowl to the buns and moved there green igloo closer to box to see if they would jump up. I tried to show both how to get to it but failed misrably at least thats what they wanted me to belive. D.C. decided latter he wasn't that stupid and knew what to do once I turned my back and went into the bedroom and didn't a line of vision on him. My sister has a better view and she told me what he was up to and I got and had to take a picture of him ontop of the box.

Ok here's the pictures.
On the box, then afterwords looking inocent.

Back turned to me, then returned to find his food.

Telling Smokies what he found.

Here's the home video. Me tessing them so D.C. would jump on the box for it.

I love D.C.'s big bunny bum hanging over the edge of the box. I could just hear Smokies going, "Oi! I can't get up there! You're blocking the way!:grumpy:" Hehe. :)
kherrmann3 wrote:
I love D.C.'s big bunny bum hanging over the edge of the box. I could just hear Smokies going, "Oi! I can't get up there! You're blocking the way!:grumpy:" Hehe. :)
:roflmao: That's funny, Smokies shouldn't be taking about blocking the way. She's huge!!! Smokies couldn't get up if she tried, and she hasn't it.

I'm working on weight loss with them. Mom spoiled them for a bit. I use to say SHE raises big Rabbits. Now she raised my 2 to grow BIG.

The Vet said Smokies was a bit overweight but nothing major. She has seen Rabbits that over weight that look like TICKS, said they had little heads and there body's balloon out.

I need to put fresh battery's in the camera to take more pictures. Smokies is actually small enough to fit in Green Igloo. :shock:
Awh! They're Sexy Rexy's! (my new names for rexs ahaha) They look so luffly! I want to inhale their fur lol. Keep the pictures coming please :D
Ahh Phoebe I would get your eye's checked. This is a 1 rex household. lol.

Smokies wants to know how you see rex in her :p

PepnFluff wrote:
Awh! They're Sexy Rexy's! (my new names for rexs ahaha) They look so luffly! I want to inhale their fur lol. Keep the pictures coming please :D
I don't have new photo's of my 2 to share as they are locked up until I get there new NIC cage put together. But I need more of the special panel's so no more harm is done to the apt.

I bought 2 sets of the colored foam mats that I put down in the kitchen and started connecting the panel's. Not quite enough to make it all around :( Good thing I get 3 pay cheque's this month plus GST cheque's came out this month so I have some extra money to spend on my fur kids.

Here's a few photo's of when they were living at the parent's outside. I stapled misquote netting to the cage.

Their hutch

Inside there hutch


Yup, messes always = fun. I don't know how we can all spend so much time making our bunnies' cages perfect, only to watch them destroy our hard work (and then we do it again!) lol :) It really looks like they had a good time, though! :D
Last night when my sister came home, I told her to look at the start of my cage. She then looked at it and wanted to see if Smokies would dare to jump the grid at 1 panel high. I told her it wasn't likely but I bet D.C. would. So I grabbed the camera then grabbed D.C. and put him in with Smokies and of course he's more curious and had to see the panel's and had to see what was on the other side. lol He escaped a couple of times and my sister had to catch him, he's a fast little guy for a chubby rex.

Just checking things out.



Look mom if I stand up i'm the same size as the panel.



Come to say hi to Mommy



Just random cuteness




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