Smokies(RIP) and D.C.; Saskatoon Sweethearts

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Some people read in their bathrooom, why not eat?

I love this picture, well all of them really, this one made me laugh.
The ones where they're hiding in the hay are so cute! Same for the ones where they're all snuggled together. :inlove:
So today I came home from work early because it was slow and our labor was high. When I came in the door I only saw 1 bunny and that was Smokie so I looked in there box and there Igloos and no Boys... I walk down the hallway a bit and I see both boys, Snookium came up to say hi but D.C. went right back to under my bed. I picked Snookium up and placed in his peen and went to get D.C. but he was way under the bed where I couldn't read. Smart boy I tell yah. So I had to go get the broom to shoo him out then I closed the doors behind me and he try to play run and hide for a bit. Once he went close to pen I blocked him where he could jump over the grid since it was only 1 panel high. But he didn't want to so I had to pick him up and put him back in.

This is the first time the boys have ever gotten out. I'm still not to sure how they got out.

Wabbitdad12 wrote:
They knew how to get out long time ago, they were shocked that you came home early and they didn't getback in time.;)
I sure hope that's not true.

Maybe next time they'll try and get Smokie out lol.. Luckily neither boy took an intrest in the many cords that were exposed :)
Luvr of Wabbits and Polar Bears wrote:
Wabbitdad12 wrote:
They knew how to get out long time ago, they were shocked that you came home early and they didn't getback in time.;)
I sure hope that's not true.

Maybe next time they'll try and get Smokie out lol.. Luckily neither boy took an intrest in the many cords that were exposed :)
Thats good they could have gotten hurt.
I think I must have the worlds most spoiled bunny's. A few weeks ago I got to take home about 6 bags of Apple Slices as they expired so we can't sell them but they still looked good and the bunny's weren't complaining. Then last week I was allowed to take 5 bags of shredded carrots that we use on the salads they were all extra 'cause we get 2 bags of carrots per box and 1 bag is really only needed to use on the salads. The bunny's loved that as well.

I just received a 25lbs of Oxbow Timothy hay and oh my it's so GREEN and bunny's are loving it. I shouldn't have to go buy hay for a few months I hope.

I try and get new pictures up soon. Maybe tonight next week is pretty busy for me with working 2 jobs now.
OIC. I didn't realize you could get good leftover veggies there. At least that's a good thing, until you can move further with your second job.
tonyshuman wrote:
OIC. I didn't realize you could get good leftover veggies there. At least that's a good thing, until you can move further with your second job.
Well we can't sell the Apple Slices after the expired date even if they are still good, The customers are fussy that way. So either we toss them or they go home to the bellies of my fur kids. For the carrots we just don't use enough of them on the salads and the boss hates looking at all those extra carrots so I was told to take them home. So I did. The bunny's aren't complaining.:D
Luvr of Wabbits and Polar Bears wrote:
tonyshuman wrote:
OIC. I didn't realize you could get good leftover veggies there. At least that's a good thing, until you can move further with your second job.
Well we can't sell the Apple Slices after the expired date even if they are still good, The customers are fussy that way. So either we toss them or they go home to the bellies of my fur kids. For the carrots we just don't use enough of them on the salads and the boss hates looking at all those extra carrots so I was told to take them home. So I did. The bunny's aren't complaining.:D
LOL, I bet there not!!!

hey,Can I draw this pic of your bunny Rebecca?? I would like to practice dark furred rabbits. and ofcourse being cute also helps in my picking.:p

Bunny Update

Well I think it's about time I really updated my blog.

All the Kids are going really good. Haven't seen D.C. have another weird head twitching since when it happened. Smokies is still boss and she must chase the boys for no reason.

I cleaned there Pen today and I left the door open so they could check out the apt. while I wash the litter boxes. Snookium was more than happy to go explore and eat the loose hay on the rug, D.C. also came out but he went to my room but when I came and he saw me he turned right around and run for it, so I had to chase him a bit and he eventually went back to the Pen. Smokies came out only for a short time, she's a scardy bunny :p LOL.

Life Update

Well life is going not to bad. Still working FT for McD's and NOT loving it. I started PT with Primerica and LOVING it. If I could leave McD's I would but I can't just yet. I give myself 1 more year of McD's then I have to leave. It's just not a fun and happy place to be anymore. Nobody's happy there.
Right now my sister has been accused of stealing money which I know didn't happen and would never happen and they can't prove it. So I want her to get out and find something different. She's lucky if she gets 40hrs a week. Which is what we would like so she has a bit of extra money. She owes me 2 months I think for the Cable bill LOL. We split things up we weren't paying 1/2 of every bill. So I pay most of the rent and she pays the rest plus the bills and 1/2 of Grocery's when she can. It kinda of evens out I think. We aren't broke which is a good thing.

Bunny photo's coming soon.

Wow Becka, I gotta give youlots of credit for working 2 jobs. Thats has to be hard. :highfive:

Good hear the bunnies are doing good. :biggrin2:

and it must take a lot of will power to go to a job you don't like! At least you get some fringe benefits (carrots, apples for the crew).

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