Small Hurricane Heading My Way

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Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2006
Reaction score
Deep South, Texas, USA
Small hurricane heading my way. Just got down from fixing a leak in our roof with my dad. Battening down the hatches. We have a new shed in the back that we're loading with heavy things plus we need to tie down the fence. Alex has already killed 4 people and brought torrential rain and flooding to Mexico. Our levees are not strong enough to hold the river back if the hurricane enters through the mouth of the Rio Grande River. Would appreciate some good thoughts.

It must be very scary knowing a hurricane is coming.I hope you,your pets and all of your family will be ok.It sounds like you are very prepared:pray:
Hope you stay safe. Living in Florida, I've been through several hurricanes and tropical storms. You will be fine as long as you are prepared ahead of time. If the authorities recommend evacuating....DO IT!!
Thanks guys. We're prepared. I'm just worried about the flooding. I live in the city so high winds are not really a problem. Our drainage system isn't equipped for that much rain so hopefully we get just enough and not too much. They say that animals can sense a storm coming. The rabbits seem restless. The dogs are fast asleep. Which animal should I believe? lol!

I'm also worried about my grandma. She lives in Reynosa, Mexico and they're not exactly great with drainage either. I called her earlier and she said she already has half the block at her house. Her house is one of the few that is made out of cement blocks. The rest of the neighborhood is wood and aluminum.

I have great respect for people that live where hurricanes and tornadoes frequent. I could never do it. At times like these I really appreciate California weather. That first picture is really scary! Stay safe, you all are in my thoughts.
Happi Bun wrote:
I have great respect for people that live where hurricanes and tornadoes frequent. I could never do it. At times like these I really appreciate California weather. That first picture is really scary! Stay safe, you all are in my thoughts.
Lol, at least we know well in advance when hurricanes are coming. Can't say the same about earthquakes. I lived in California (Huntington Beach) for 13 years.
Hurricane has made landfall at Soto La Marina, Mexico. God help them. They don't have rescue support or drainage like we do. They're on their own.

i could never live anywhere where tornados, hurricanes or earthquakes where normal!!!!!!! lol. I would never sleep, when we get bad rains, or a windy storm i cant sleep at night afraid it is going to be a tornado, or something is going to happen,lol.
I hope yo made it thru ok I remember when Ike hit we where all very worried.

Your in my thoughts and prayers. Update as soon as you can hope you did not loose power to long.
I am so thankful we don't get like hurricanes, tornadoes and earthquakes. I get scared enough when we have thunder and lightening and it isn't even as bad as what most countries get!

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