Shiloh's Happy Herd

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Dave, thanks for looking at my blog :) I think my birdies are beautiful too. I always wanted a Lutino cockatiel so was really pleased to find Poppet. She's so pretty.

Rory doesn't seem to be improving so far but his tummy troubles usually stick around for a while. On more than one occasion he has had slow digestion for a whole month. Ugh, poor guy. Dude is still eating, pooping, etc though so I think he'll be okay. Can't help but worry some! His belly is a bit firm but it seems like his stomach or cecum is especially firm. Again, not a new thing with him. I don't really consider it to be a reason to go to the vet because a) I'm really disliking the vet as of late (read bird thread to find out why) and b) I don't think they can really do anything for him. They can take x-rays and give fluids and prescribe motility drugs, but I'm skeptical about the motility drugs and I can give him sub q fluids here at home. He did one of the cutest things today and I'd never seen him do it before. He was lying down stretched out on his aching belly, then decided to wash his paws... and ended up rolling over onto his side washing his paws like a cat! Too cute! It would have been even cuter if I knew he was feeling good.
Poor Rory and poor YOU. Give him many kisses for me please. Hope he feels better soon!
I hope Rory's tummy feels better soon! When Toby starts to "slow down", I give him a little pineapple juice and tummy massages. He struggles for a bit, then settles in and enjoys the tummy rubs. That normally gets him going again. In the past, I had to do a few rounds of subcutaneous fluids on him when he stopped eating/drinking, though.

We're rooting for better tummy days ahead of you, Rory!
My sweet Rory is confusing me. He still feels really heavy, but his abdomen feels pretty good to me. I suspect he's on the road to recovery and may just have a lot he needs to poop out. Kelly, I like giving papaya tablets- he thinks they're treats and they're easier to get into him than fresh pineapple juice. He does like fresh pineapple though and I may buy one tomorrow. Back a few months ago when he was having major digestive issues, we had fresh pineapple in the fridge at all times so he could have some every day. We probably spent $100 on pineapple that month because pineapple in Alaska in winter is not cheap! Thankfully he hasn't needed sub q fluids, but I have a great big bag of lactated ringers and several big syringes and needles so we're set if he needs it. I'm so glad I have those things on hand. They really perk up a sick bunny. I even had to use them on Teddy and Kieran. Giving sub q fluids to a 25 gram crying, flailing baby bird is incredibly stressful!

Phoebsie decided to scare me too. Little missy began tinkling outside her litter box and I caught her lapping up the urine more than once yesterday. Silly girl had a great big bowl of fresh water the whole time and went from drinking pee to drinking water! I don't know what is up with that. I'm ashamed to admit this, but I think the tinkling may have been because her litter box was dirty and she didn't want to go in it. I've been so completely focused on the baby birds that the litter boxes got neglected for a while. I immediately did a total cage cleaning and she's since peed outside the litter box once but I haven't seen her drinking pee again. Everyone else got their cage cleaned too yesterday and today so we're back on track. I'm not going to worry TOOOO much right now because I did a search on RO and apparently drinking urine is not that uncommon. I will definitely be keeping my eye on her though.
I am not surprised that there haven't been many updates here lately.

After all, you are getting married in about a week if my calculations are correct?

Quick update time! Paul and I are married :D The big day was on August 1st. The wedding was beautiful. Here's the link to a thread where I talk about the wedding:

From Arthur and Poppet's first clutch of chicks, all the babies except the youngest died. They all got sick with sour crop and died one at a time as I tried to save them. Taking care of them and watching them get sicker and then dying was one of the hardest things I've experienced. I've been hand raising the youngest chick, Phoenix, for 5 weeks now and while he was sick with sour crop for a good 3 weeks (which seems like forever when they're sick), he pulled through and is a small but pretty healthy 7 week old chick now. Phoenix is my little baby. He's very opinionated and I think is going to have a huge personality when he grows up!

Arthur and Poppet chose to give us 2 new chicks as a wedding gift. Those babies are 6 and 8 days old now and are doing well so far. They are the age that their older siblings first showed signs of illness at, so I'm hoping that they won't get sick.

And for the bunnies! My sweet bunsies are doing well. I think they've missed me because of all the wedding planning and sick birds and I was gone for a week and then entertaining guests for about 3 weeks, then the honeymoon... Everyone is healthy. Rory is shedding.

This may sound stupid, but Paul and I are still considering getting another bunny even with the new birds. We went to the state fair today, and the highlight of the fair (for me at least!) is always visiting the rabbits in the bunny barn. We decided that if we see a bunny that calls out to us and it's for sale, we'll buy it. I did see one super sweet little Holland Lop baby (he was white with dark blue spots), but he wasn't for sale. Today is the last day of the fair and when they're doing the show and judging, so they had the bunny area roped off. We actually spent about 4 hours at the fair, and are now at home and plan to go back at 7 pm because the rabbit judging will be over and we can actually get a close look at the rabbits! I of course am dying for a Holland Lop, but Paul really likes mini rexes. We'll see.

I will update with fair bunny pictures tonight!
Good luck that what is meant to be happens.
You were absolutely right, Alicia! And I am thrilled to say that we DID find the perfect bunny :D I'm still amazed that she's here. The story is this:

Yesterday evening we went back to the fair to see the bunnies since they were doing judging all day and we weren't allowed in. I love Paul so much for being willing to drive back for me! When we were there, I saw the most beautiful little 10 week old sable point/frosty Holland Lop named Purity. She was one of about 20 Hollands at the show. I got to hold her and immediately fell for her, she was so sweet and perfect and I felt connected to her instantly in a way I haven't felt since Tallulah was alive. She even lay on her back in my arms like Tallulah used to and was quite content. There were lots of other adorable bunnies there, but she was THE ONE. And I've seen lots of other bunnies since Tallulah died, but none that absolutely called out to me like this bunny did. Purity had been sold to someone else a few days earlier though :( The breeders took down my name and phone number in case something happened with the buyer.

Like you said, Alicia, I figured it would happen if it was meant to be. Last night and this morning I prayed and asked that Purity end up going to whichever owner she would be happiest and healthiest with, whether it be the other person or me because I wanted what was best for her. I woke up this morning and was hoping for a phone call from the breeder, but wasn't really expecting it.

But then! At about 1 pm, the breeder called! The other buyer backed out :D Paul and I were down at the fairgrounds within minutes, carrier in hand, to pick her up. I couldn't stop crying happy tears when the breeder called. I'm still SO happy hours later.

Here is a video and photos of our new girl. I named her Kerensa Rose. I chose the name Kerensa months ago for my future Holland Lop girl and knew it was her when I saw her last night! Kerensa is a Cornish name and means "love."

The video (the funny thing is you can hear the breeder's daughter ask me for a pen and paper to write down my name and phone number on at the very end of the video, in case it fell through with the buyer. I'm so glad she asked!!)

Kerensa last night:


Kerensa at home with me this evening!




It was meant to be :D I'm so happy to have my little Kerensa along with Rory, Phoebe Mae, and Ned. Our bunny family is finally complete, over 2 years after Tallulah died!
Thanks WabbitDad! I'm so far loving being married (it's not that different from when we were engaged- I mean, we've lived together for over 3 years! But it feels different somehow) and loving Kerensa's big feet too :D

So I know this sounds silly, but I can't help but think Tallulah helped me find Kerensa. And I've noticed several things that make it almost seem like I was being dropped hints! First of all, one of Tallulah's sisters looked an awful lot like Kensa:


And remember when I saw a picture of Tallulah's niece a few months ago? She looked JUST LIKE Tallulah except her markings were a bit different. The tip of her left ear looked like it was dipped in white:


The tip of Kerensa's left ear is white too:


And her name, Kerensa. Another spelling of it is Karensa. I'm still actually trying to decided which spelling to go with because I want my online bunny friends to know how to say her name! Kerensa's breeder is named Karen, like Karensa minus the -sa. I picked the name Kerensa several months ago.

Then of course there's the whole thing where it fell through with Kerensa's original buyer!

Kind of funny series of coincidences, huh?
I am SO in love with Kerensa! It's like she was custom tailored to be all the things that I think are cutest and sweetest about bunnies. She's so sweet, too- she's understandably still kind of skittish, but is really very easy to handle and pick up and everything. She'll lie on her back on my lap without me touching her, no problem. She was one of the favorites of the breeder and her daughter so she has been handled plenty so far in her life!

I had been worried about her pooping and peeing amounts. She didn't pee at all the first day and hardly drank, but has peed a few times Monday and Tuesday. She didn't drink that much though... I originally had given her a little bowl of water to drink, but she shunned it (and actually waited several hours until I came to see her so she could knock it over!) so I gave her a water bottle since that's what she's used to. She drank out of the bottle, but not a whole lot. I decided to try the water bowl again tonight, and the little girl just went to town drinking out of it! You can tell she's not used to drinking out of bowls because she had water all over her face. It was SO CUTE. I remember Tallulah doing the same thing. Lu always drank out of a heavy mug so her ears wouldn't dip into the water, and that's what I have Ren drinking out of now. Works well, in my experience! Anyway, I got some pictures of her face with water all over it. She kept licking her lips and I tried to get photos of it, but no tongue showed up :( Then the camera card was filled! No! It holds 5,000 pictures and had to be full then! In any case, Paul is going to get all my pictures off the card tomorrow and I'll try getting more wet faced licky pictures tomorrow.

The other bunsies are doing well. Neddie is as wide eyed and irresistible as ever. Rory is most likely resenting that he's not the only lop anymore, and Phoebe Mae has been displaced as the queen of the bunnies! I don't mean she's NOT the queen anymore, but she's not my one and only baby girl anymore :)

We had a good evening with Baby Phoenix too. I've been putting him in Poppet's bird diaper so he doesn't poop anywhere. He decided he wanted to hang out with Paul tonight, so he spent about 2 hours sitting on Paul's shoulder. It was very cute! And Paul likes him more after tonight too :)
What an adorable new addition you have! Welcome home Kerensa :)

Glad I came on here to procrastinate vacuuming haha I didn't know yet about the new bunny in your life.

Congrats again on getting married! Are there or will there be pictures up for us to see?
Crystal, here are pictures from the wedding (look at the bottom of the first page or top of the second, can't remember):

Hooray for procrastinating, huh?!

Baby Kerensa is doing well. Is it silly that she's been here 3 1/2 days now and I'm STILL in awe? I love her so much and can't believe how lucky I am that she's mine!

Tonight I held her for about 15 minutes- the longest so far. When I bring home new bunnies, my general approach is to leave them pretty much alone the first day, then for the next couple of days talk to them and pick them up 3-4 times a day for just a minute or so to pet them and kiss them (I can't resist kissing bunnies). No letting them out to play because they're scared and disoriented and I think do best with a small world. So tonight Kerensa graduated up to being held and cuddled for much longer! Tomorrow we will snuggle some more. In a couple more days, I'll let her out to run around the living room some. She's settling in pretty well and is very used to being handled, but she's still obviously on edge (understandably). I suspect that by this time next week she will be much more adjusted.

I got some pictures of her yesterday and will get some more tomorrow! Or I guess technically later today :) My camera is having issues so I didn't get any today.
I knew you would find one that was yours! So happy I know that feeling. I actually want to talk to you. I have the feeling you would understand what I am dealing with right now.
SnowyShiloh wrote:
Alicia, what's going on?
Hard time lately dealing with the loss of Montana. Had her such a short time. Just miss her.
Ali, I think I can understand how you feel- I know every bunny (and every bunny owner) is different, but I only had Lula for 5 months and you know how upset I was for how long after she passed away. I never got depressed- depression runs in my family big time but I've never suffered from it- it was more like I was traumatized and very emotionally wounded after she died. She was my baby girl and I treasured her deeply. After she died I had a hard time thinking happily back on memories of her, but it's funny because now that Kerensa is here, it's like there's a very happy conclusion to Tallulah and I can remember her with more joy. Don't get me wrong, I'll never forget Tallulah or stop missing her, but it's different now. I do really think that she sent Kerensa to me, Kerensa is the bunny I've been waiting for since Tallulah passed away. It may sound dumb or crazy, but it's true. I wouldn't go around blabbering about that to anyone but bunny folk on here though!

Of course I miss Skyler too. I know it's weird that I talk more about Tallulah when she died over 2 years ago and Skyler just died a few months ago :( I think it's partly because Skyler's death was no surprise- I started mourning him while he was still alive and had come to terms with his death when he died. I was just grateful that he lived as long as he did after his diagnosis and did not suffer excessively (which was most important to me). I was eased into his death much more. It's somehow easier to mourn your bunny when you still have them there, alive and happy, to cuddle and cry into.
Why are all of my bunnies shedding except for Ned? I keep telling them they should hold onto that hair since winter is just around the corner, but they won't listen to me. Maybe Phoebe Mae will finally get some fur on her tummy now! The vet shaved her belly before she was spayed back in January, and Phoebs STILL has a naked belly. Naked except for a stripe of fur that grew in along the incision line :D

Kerensa is settling in well. Still a little antsy, but it's only been a week. I think she's doing quite well. I also moved her litter box to the other side of her cage where she was peeing and she hasn't tinkled outside the box for 2 days now! Hooray! I bought her this gigantic dog crate to use as a cage (it's 36 inches long and I think 24 inches wide). It is BIG. We're pressed for space, and realistically I probably should have got the 30 inch wide one, but the 36 was only like $5 more and I thought how she'd like the extra space. Once I get a couple more levels put in the crate (made of NIC panels), it will have so much floor space for her! I haven't put her in the dog crate yet because it doesn't have sides and I want to be fairly confident in her litter box skills (at least for pee) before putting her in. Also because Paul is going to construct a little platform out of a big, flat piece of wood and some 2 by 4s for the crate. That way if pee pee makes its way overboard, it won't get on the carpet, and hopefully the wood on the sides will keep some of the flying turds in.

I think Phoebsie is jealous of Kerensa's new cage, even though her cage WAS perfectly fine. She likes to try to lift the lid of the cage with her head even though there's a 20 pound weight on top (girl is stubborn and persistent!), and last night she succeeded in wiggling the lid so much that the weight fell off. It actually somehow broke one of the wheels off the base of the cage, so now her cage is lopsided by an inch and a half. Silly girl!

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