Sabrina's House~~The Rescue

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Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2007
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Rocky Mount, North Carolina, USA
Hi All,

Thanks to the very kind people on the forum that so patiently walked my very unsavvy computer self thru posting pics. So I will start posting pics and stories of our residents...but also our new rescues of both domestic and wildlife.

This little guy was being kept as a pet. The well meaning people didn't know it is illegal to hold wildlife without proper rehab permits...this bird also had a closed head injury. It probably happened when he was blown from the nest during a violent thuderstorm. She had been feeding and watering this little guy for over two days before she called for help...but she wanted to make sure she was feeding it correctly. When I explained to her the seriousness of the situation, she quickly decided to surrender the bird.

The bird's condition deteriorated rapidly. Part of it was being handled so much...but it also had a closed head injury. It coded and went into shock soon after I took custody. I treated aggressively and stabilized the bird although I listed the bird as critical. It was transferred the next day to a regional center for more advanced treatment pending future transfer to a raptor center. It died early in the morning of July 14.

Moral of this story....if you find wildlife in need and have not been trained to rehab them....please find a licensed rehabber. Most rehabbers will request that you secure the animal if possible and place in a warm and quiet area away from pets and human activity. And please don't offer food or water to any animal as this may result in major medical complications depending on what the injuries are.

Keep the wild in your heart...not your home.


This is Noah. She is a blue eyed Hotot that has suffered horribly. She is named in honor of The Ark Animal Hospital in Surfside Beach, SC. She was admitted under their charity treatment program....Noah's Fund.Based on her size and time of year, we suspect Noah was an Easter bunny that had been "set free". She was nearly starved and then got ran over by a car. A compassionate lady saw what happened and stopped to help. That is when this rabbit's luck started to change. She was badly injured but alive. And the lady took her to the one hospital in that area that had a vet capable of saving this rabbit. This lady even left a cash donation to help treat a rabbit she had never about an angel. I received the call minutes after she arrived and started on the four hour one way trip. This was a pitiful little girl. Battered and bruised all over, a separated shoulder and a badly broken jaw. We stayed with her for hours but decided she was in too much discomfort for a four hour car ride despite huge amounts of pain meds. We returned three days later to bring her home.

Today she is a very loving rabbit. Her only lingering effects are from the broken jaw. We extracted her incisors and have to float her molars several times per year and as she ages, we will extract them as they start to loosen a bit. She is nothing short of a true southern belle. Always willing to sit for hours with you. And when she runs, it's like she is flying on angel wings just floating across the floor.She is one of those rabbits that can be left in free roam and I never worry about what she is doing....she runs her little circles all over the house.She is a remarkable bunny and has paid a terrible price....but she will never be hurt again.



Wow Randy this is going to be a really interesting blog, and it will be really nice to see some of the animals you help, i feel really soory for the bird and can't beleive how lucky Noah was. She is very beautiful i always think blue eyed buns are really striking.

Major kudos to you for being an amazing individual and devoting yourself to these animals:D
Aww, so sorry that the little guy didn't make it. Poor little thing :(.

Noah is such a beautiful little girl! Wow, amazing how much she went through, what a tough little cookie! Her eyes are so amazing! Must be a very very spoiled little girl!
YeahRandy! :bunnydance: You started a blog!!!! :goodjob

I was going to pest you about this, but knowing how busy you are actually taking care of your crew I didn't want to be a bother...

This is great. Can't wait to read more soon.

:twocentsAny current pics of Scoots will be appreciated. I've not seen her photo at the Sabrina'sHouse website:cry1: (Hint Hint). We think of her every day. :bunnyheart

Hope you're all keeping cool in NC.

Mary Ellen

PS - Bunny snuggles to Scoots, Danny, Miracle, and all the others! :bunnieskiss
That poor baby bird. Who looks at an obvious raptor baby like that and thinks they can raise it themselves? If it had managed to survive in their care they could have been injured by it. Wild animals have instincts, and that one comes with sharp weapons! I've seen the scars on someone I knew who did goshawk nest monitoring- not pretty!

And Noah is such a sweetie. It amazes me how some animals can go through so much and still come out sweet-natured and happy. What a doll!

I'm very glad you started this blog. I can't wait to see the rest of the residents!
Yay! I am so excited to see you started a blog! Your stories are just amazing, Randy. Have you ever considered writing a book?

I cant wait to hear and see more. You are such an inspiration.

Haley:pink iris:
Hi Guys,

Talk about an intense rescue...this was our first. I don't mind telling you that the adrenalin was flowing on this one. An adult male that was chasing lunch and was hit by a car. Driver stopped to help but nobody would help him in any way. Bird was in garage for several days before I got the call. Sadly, despite ultra heroic efforts by many, the injuries were too severe.


Oh Randy, thank you so much for sharing these stories with us. It is amazing what humans can do to animals, sometimes not even knowing they are harming them. I have to admit i've been crying as I read. Those poor things, such suffering. Thank you for the work you do.
This is going to be such an interesting (and moving) blog - thanks for sharing your stories with us.

I'm sorry those beautiful birds didn't make it, but so pleased to hear that Noah is doing so well :)

Hi All,

This is another one of our eagle rescues. This is a juvenile female that had a wing span of just over 7 feet and weighed 2.6kg. She flew into the path of a car and landed in the front yard of an elemetary school. This time I got lots of phone calls within minutes.She was at the wildlife hospital within hours but suffered the bird version of a stroke during triage. Most likely it was a combination of being hit by a car and the stress of everything that caused the problem and she did not survive.


This isn't something you see everyday adult male peacock. These birds are not the easiest to deal with. We performed this rescue at the request of CSX Railroad.


Awww :(.

We need a surviving bird story next time!
Surviving bird story??? We do have some. But something that I would like to point out to everyone is that contrary to what you see on Animal Planet....not all rescues are the "feel good" stories that are seen on TV. It has shown me just how fragile all life is and has allowed me to enjoy life more.

But I would like to introduce Pearl. She is a white dove....really a pigeon...that many people release at weddings and funerals. They are told they are homing pigeons. That is not quite correct. These birds have all been raised in captivity....just like our house rabbits. And just like our house rabbits, their survival skills in the wild leave a lot to be desired. They are a favorite target of Cooper's Hawks. Pearl is one of the few lucky ones. She came to our rescue as per request from a local vet. She had been found in someone's back yard. She was severely emaciated and dehydrated....less than half her proper weight. And she had a badly fractured leg. We triaged her and splinted her leg. We really did not expect her to survive but she did. She is now a proud and strutting young lady. She made her first public educational appearance just a few weeks ago at the open house at the vet school at NC State. She put on a show....and even is appearing in a promotional video for the college. She is a really nice bird.


Birds are quite demanding...many nestlings needing to be fed every 15 minutes or so. And this little guy knows when it's meal time....anytime there is light in the house. This guy fledged and flight trained right here in our rescue. Released into a city park just a few weeks ago.



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