Ripley's Aquarium of the Smokies!

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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2005
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Seattle, Washington
My husband and I went to a rather large aquariumin Gatlinburg, TN for our anniversary. I took a zillion pictures. Thereare two more videos to load and I will do that tomorrow. It's latetonight. Enjoy! :)


Thanks forsharing! I love aquariums! I would like to take mykids to one like that this summer.

We also have a 75 gallon tank inour living room. Watching the fish swim is sorelaxing.
I love fish. We had a 30 gallon in our livingroom, but I keep killing all the fish. After a hundred or so dollars ondead fish, I gave up.
Awesome pics-thanks for sharing them:D. The shark ones are scary:shock:.

When I met my husband, he had a 50 gallon that had tigeroscars. Those things are crazy. When he ran out offeeder fish and they were hungry, he'd feed them hotdogs:shock:, theywent nuts. He'd hurd stories of them ramming into the tank,so he was always weery of that and said when they started doing that,he would get rid of them. Well, one night we were sittingplaying cards and I was nearest the tank, and one flopped out onto thecarpet-talk about scaring the living daylights out of me(I dislike fishnear me-yucky). I was screaming. Later-about a fewmonths, this same one head butted the tank. It died soonafter, but jeesh. Those things are crazy and they gethuge:shock:. He would love another fish tank one day-asaltwater:).

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