(RIP) baby with nasty Diarrhea

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I saw this on another breeders site and i gave her some.
1 cup clean water
2 teaspoons sugar
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
3/16 teaspoon salt (take some out of a 1/4 tsp. or use a rounded 1/8 tsp.)
Is your bunny drinking water as it should? Make sure your bun stays hydrated. Check his water bottle/bowl often to make sure he is drinking.
Rabbit the Habit.
Perhaps it's a parasite, coccidia seems to be the common cause for diarrhea in young rabbits. This is a life threatening situation. Keep the baby warm and hydrated. Where in Ohio are you located? I have a list from the HRS of rabbit savvy vets in your state, some open 7 days a week for emergencies.
try to get the baby to an rabbit -saavy emergency vet; this is life-threatening in a rabbit that young.

you can give a probiotic like benebac , better to give pedialyte rather than the home made recipe
The best thing that you can get is the biosponge which will bind the toxins in the babies GI tract
Many people who own horses have this product...
here it is advertised in a smaller amount for dogs/cats.


Randy, our wild life rehabber mod ,has saved many young animals with this product.
In a rabbit this young the ph of the GI tract is not stable and is very easily thrown off balance . When this occurs toxic bacteria like clostridium proliferate and the rabbit has little chance of a recovery without a lot of assistance

I have never treated a rabbit with the Dana Krempels protocol although she is a very reliable source; I know that you do not have access to everything prescribed here.


Some folks will feed an young rabbit the cecal pellets of another healthy rabbit (without breaking the the thincoating covering the cecals. )
Iwish we we could help you more

Iam transferring this thread to the Infirmary
Giving this thread a bump due to the urgency of the situation.
I hope you are able to get to us soon with an update, Rachel, and so I can help you locate a vet.

After a call into the vet last night Sarafina passed. I have never lost a baby to that,I have also never lost a litter to the cold. Yesterday i ad a litter born before i put the box in, 5 beautiful kits froze. Then i lost a baby to runny poop. Yesterday was not my day!!

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