Resolved: House Hunting Vibes Please!

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Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2005
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Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Sigh, I don't want to but I have to find a new place to live. Our house was sold and the new owners want to renovate the basement suite into a rec room or something. So we have to be gone by May 1.

We've been looking at houses, but most of them are too expensive for a tiny little basement suite. Because of the bunnies, we need a decent sized living room to fit them and the couch, dining table and TV.

We are currently trying to make arrangements to view this phenominal deal, a four bedroom house for the same price as our current basement suite. If we can get in to view the suite first, I'm pretty sure we can get it because we'll bring a cash damage deposit with us.

I would love to get this house as then the bunnies could have their own room and Ryan could have an office.

But, I need positive vibes from you guys in order to get that first viewing spot. Please send all your positive thoughts.

We have been accepted for another suite, a three bedroom basement suite, but one room doesn't have windows. I really want to get in to view the house before getting back to the lady about this one. It's a good back up, but I can't make her wait too long.

Arg, this whole house hunting thing is totally stressing me out and I have exams starting next week. I would like nothing more than to have a place all figured out asap so I don't have to worry any more.



TONS of VIBES and PRAYERS for you.
Thanks so much Alicia!

Okay, so warning, the following is a very long rant/explanation about all the crap I've had to deal with regarding our current basement suite and old landlord. It takes up almost 3 pages in word, so my early apologies, but I have to get it out.

So here are all of my stresses and frustrations over my housing situation, starting back in October of 2007.

So in October 2007, my landlady informed us she was selling the house. Joy, so that meant we had to clean the suite and open our home to a parade of people. That lasted all through midterms, such wonderful timing. Although I will say that our place has never been so clean for so long with it requiring a top to bottom cleaning twice a week for 6 weeks.

The open houses weren't all that bad, but once the house was sold, we got an eviction notice. On Jan 1, 2008 we got the official paper work telling us we had to be out of our suite by February 29th, 2008. Two weeks later, we managed to get a hold of the new owners, and they let us stay till the end of our school semester which was totally awesome of them.

So we get to stay an extra two months, that's great. But unfortunately, the land lady didn't understand the official paper work she signed and gave to us. Didn't even read it. On the form is a section about tenant compensation. In BC, when a tenant is evicted, through no fault of their own due to the owner wishing to us the space for their own purposes, the tenant gets two months notice and the equivalent of one month free rent. Whether you choose to stay for two months and not pay for the last month or move out early and receive cash, is up to the tenant.

The landlady came down on Feb 7, 2008 asking for rent. She managed to catch Ryan on his way out the door for work and he hadn't had his coffee yet, needless to say he was grumpy. Well, of course he said no, the paper work you gave us explains that we do not pay rent for the last month. She got herself wound up in a tiffy, and thought that since we get to stay an extra two months, that we should pay rent. That's not the way it works, I called a tenant advocacy group who told us we where with in our rights to not pay.

Well, when we get home from school/work we find that she has given Kyle, our room mate, a nice little letter saying we should pay rent or at least utilities. And that she wants payment for a phone line we've been using for the last two years...

So, rewind to May 1, 2006. The land lord offers a pre-existing phone line to me. The agreement was that we could use it and she would bring down the bill for us to pay her every month. I saw one bill, which I paid promptly, and never saw another bill ever again. I chased her around for three months that summer trying to get her to give me a bill or transfer the phone line into my name. Nothing became of it, and against a nasty feeling of this scenario popping up in the future, I just went with it. If I was asking how much I owed, and she was not getting back to me, she obviously didn't care about payment.

So back to Feb, 2008, I also talked to the tenant advocacy group about the phone line. They point me to section 7-2 of the tenant land lord act which to quote directly says:

"A landlord or tenant who claims compensation for damage or loss that results from the other's non-compliance with this Act, the regulations or their tenancy agreement must do whatever is reasonable to minimize the damage or loss."

Therefore, since we had been chasing her around looking for payment and she made no action to get payment from us. No letters, no verbal request, and no cutting off of the phone line, nothing in two years. Then she has no right to ask for payment.

I give her a professionally written letter, and explain what everything means. She gets all p*ssy and is saying that the advice I got was crap. Well, I stuck with it and told her sorry, since this is all in a paper trail now, I can’t do anything to help you out. If you had come to talk to us and kept it unofficial and pleasant, we would have been more than happy to work something out with you. But now, we can’t do anything because giving her anything could be seen as an admission of guilt by the court and we could be ordered to pay everything.

The whole situation stank, because we didn’t want to screw her like that. But because she started playing hard ball and writing letters, our hands where tied. We would have liked nothing better than to help her out. If she had come down stairs and talked to us and said that she was having a tough time and she knows we don’t have to pay rent, but could we please help out with the utilities, we would have been more than happy to oblige.

She even admitted to me that the only reason the phone bill came up was because she was mad about us not paying rent, and that she didn’t really expect us to do anything about that. So her rash actions out of anger totally back fired on her, as it only resulted in us getting our guard up.

Well, that situation led to an awkward couple weeks while she packed up and moved out. We did our best to avoid her and it was a stiff pleasantness when we did have to interact with her.

Now, the kicker. It’s February 29, 2008 and the landlord is supposed to do a damage inspection and give us back our damage deposit. I catch her in her car driving away from the house, and the only reason I caught her was good timing of me getting off the bus and crossing the street in time. I walked up to her car window and asked her when she was coming down to do the damage deposit. Her response was that she wasn’t doing one, and I asked when she was going to give us back our damage deposit then, and she said that she wasn’t because we owed her money for the phone.

Now, she had every right to apply to the Residential Tenancy Board (RTB) for an order to keep the damage deposit for unpaid utilities. She had 15 days from the day I provided her with our forwarding address to apply to the RTB. She didn’t and she didn’t get written consent from us, the tenants. So, after the 15 days is over, I am able to apply to the RTB to get my damage deposit back, and you actually get double your deposit back if you have to go through this process.

From what I could find on the RTB website, if she did not apply for a dispute resolution with in those 15 days, then she loses all rights to that damage deposit. She can still counter sue type thing, but I haven’t gotten the paper work for that yet, and I doubt she’s going to look into the process enough to discover that. I have gotten a court date (May 7, 2008) and I have submitted my evidence.
I believe that unless she counter-sues at this point then the phone bill will be irrelevant to the damage deposit. And she won’t be able to submit it as relevant evidence.

I feel like such an evil person for doing this, but at the same time I have no sympathy for her ignorance. All of the information about the rules and regulations was readily available for her on the internet. And I know she’s been to the web site because that’s where she got the eviction form from. She could have sat down for an hour and read everything like I did, and put in her dispute resolution request for permission to keep the damage deposit. So on one hand I feel bad because I am more knowledgeable that she is about the situation, but on the other hand, it was her own fault for not knowing and no information was being with held.

So I am anxiously awaiting my court date, which will be done by conference phone call. I’m pretty confidant that it will work out in our favour.

I’ll end it here for now. I’ve got more venting about house hunting, but I’ll let you guys digest this first. Need less to say, I am frustrated and stress out right now and my final exams start in a week.

Thanks for listening guys.


Yeesh since this is a family forum I can not say what I think. :grumpy:
:hug1 Having to deal with all that crapmust be so stressful for you and Ryan... and during mid-term season, at that. I hope you guys find a wonderful new place.

***sending boatloads of good vibes***

Yeah, me neither. I want to call her all sorts of nasty names, but I can't...

I've got a whole bunch of stupid stuff that's happened while looking for a new house these last few dayst too. I'll post those later.

I will be so happy once we find a nice place to live. It sucks though because the vacancy rate is at 0.7%. So all the good and reasonably priced places are rented. All that's left are crappy places that are total dives or places that are so ridicuously expenisive, we couldn't afford it even if we where all working full time.

We haven't heard back with a time for a viewing for the 4 bedroom house. Last e-mail said it would be tomorrow.

I made arrangements to go sign papers for the three bedroom basement suite on Thursday. So I have until then to see if there's anything else worth looking at.

If we can get in to see the 4 bedroom house tomorrow, I'll be so excited.

I really need as many good vibes as I can get to get that house. I've had butterflies in my stomache all day.

I really hate this situation, because I have to be out by May 1, and I have no choice. It wasn't me who decided to give notice and I didn't do anything wrong either. This just sucks so bad.

Dawn, you have my full sympathy on this! I'm also in search of a bigger place to live, though I'm not in such a big hurry as you are, but, nevertheless I can understand your stress and frustration. I wish that you get the 4-bedroom house you want - I'm sending over positive vibes!

Dawn, I'm sending you all the good house-hunting vibes I can spare! That 4 bedroom house would be great, and I really hope it works out for you and you get it!

I'm going through a similar thing at the moment, we've just been told that we'll likely get 2 months notice to leave sometime this week. 2 months is longer than you've got, but everything here has got so expensive that we'll have to pay more rent and there doesn't seem to be much about at the moment either!:(House hunting is fun when it's on your own terms, but not when you're being forced out!

We're lucky that we haven't got the problems with our landlords that you have though, she sounds really ignorant and stupid. Don't feel bad about the action you're taking, like you said she bought it on herself by making rash decisions and not talking it through with you, and not researching her position properly. I hope you get your money back!


Jen xx
The four bedroom is gone, :(. The person advertising was the current tenant and before he could hold an open house, the land lord found someone. I'm assuming it's someone they know. To get a deal like that, you have to know someone.

We did, on the other hand, look at a lovely 3 bedroom last night. It's the bottom floor, but not a basement. The kitchen was nice and big (with a dish washer, what a luxury!) and the bedrooms where decent sized too. We put in an application, and we should hear back by the week end.

We decided to turn down the other suite we where offered. It just wasn't sitting right. We would rather have something we all feel 100% sure about.

I'm hoping this suite comes through for us. The landlord seems very professional and fair. They had a list of people that where scheduled to show up, and where marking them off and calling those who hadn't showed up yet. I guess those that had an appointment get the opportunity to fill out an application and he'll choose the best from those. The current tenants said he's a really good land lord and had nothing bad to say about him.

So, good vibes for this new place please!

It's funny, the longer we look for a place, the less stressed out I am. We've been offered two places so far, but turned them both down. So I think we will be able to find something.

Many places for rent here don't allow pets. Are you having any problems with that?
I have actually found that I can use the rabbit stereotype to my advantage. I stress that they are CAGED and most people think that means they never come out of the cage. Of course I'm not about to correct them in this instant. I work on slowly educating after I've got a lease signed :p.

I have found that about 75% of "no pets" rentals are willing to let me have the caged rabbits. They are really more afraid of cats and dogs than rabbits. So I have a pretty good turn out for viewing appointments.

I found another 4 bedroom house in our price range, so I e-mailed the lady about it. I'm going to do a follow up call tonight to try to get a viewing appointment.

I seem to notice that more adds are posted on Thursday and Friday so people can do viewings on the week ends.

I'm glad we turned that one suite down. I seem to get calmer with the more places we look at.

Good luck, Dawn! I know how frustrating it is looking for a place that will fit. You can always move to Michigan, houses are insanely cheap here ;)
I really only have to deal with the crazy Vancouver house market for another year. Once I graduate, I have plans to move back to the suburb that I grew up in that is about 45 minutes outside of Vancouver. The house market is so much better there.

If I was able to work year round, it wouldn't be much of an issue. Even with my summer wages, which are only about 2/3 of what I expect when I graduate, me and Ryan would be fine. So we have to suffer through one more year of full time school before I start working full time year round.

I'm one of those crazy people with tons of spread sheets and who over plans everything. So the main reason why this move is so difficult is that fact that I didn't have control over it. I didn't choose to move nor did any of my actions warrent eviction.

I have faith though. I have accepted our position and I'm doing my best to run with it.

I haven't heard back from any places yet, but I'm going to try calling some in a little bit.

I have a viewing appointment for a 4 bedroom house next Tuesday (April 15) at 2pm. So if we don't get the 3 bedroom suite we applied for last Weds, then this looks like a good prospect.

Wow, Four bedrooms! I would so love to have the extra space :)

I will keep my fingers crossed for you!
Me too. The bunnies could have their own bedroom if we got a 4 bedroom place. Otherwise, with a three bedroom, they will be in the living room. Not that I mind them being in the living room because I spend most of my time there as I study on the couch.

If we get an offer for the three bedroom suite we applied for this weekend, we will take it. It was in a really nice neighborhood and the lay out of the suite would work well for the furniture we have. I think we could even get away with keeping both of our couches.



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