Rescue Bun Bun

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Sep 16, 2015
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Hi y'all! New to the forum.

We've been trying to catch this bunny for a while but it's outsmarted us and traps for quite a while. It was running in a heavy drug/gang area of a town where my better half works. She was in pretty rough shape before we started feeding her. Finally we got her caught and cleaned up and although she's really scared she's doing ok.
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We aren't really set up for her so she's in a temporary cage for the night. Tomorrow we'll get a whole set up for her and find the perfect location on the ranch for her. Maybe even a turn out if we can bunny proof an area.
I can't seem to figure out what she is. I'd say she's only 3-4 pounds tops. Not sure how old. Hoping the teeth might give an idea?
Any advice would be appreciated. I used to raise meat bunny's MANY years ago but have for the most part forgotten everything. For tonight she has a "box" with some alfalfa to lay in (only hay I had in stock) a bunny feeder with bunny mix and a water dish.
Thanks in advance :)
With that tuft on the top of her head it looks as though she could have a small bit of lionhead breed in her history, but who knows what else she's mixed with. Rabbit age can't be determined by teeth as they constantly grow and are worn down throughout their life. She's looking pretty good though, and well done on looking out for her and being determined to catch her.
Thanks so much!
I was wondering on the lionhead mix. I actually think she's a very attractive bun. ;) I'm already in love.
Now to re-learn proper care of this little angel. :) So far from my reading here she's A LOT like my tortoise. Lol! Works out well as I grow organically for him.
Makes sense about the teeth. I read that here after I posted. Don't know why I thought she'd be like a horse. Lol!
Again thanks for the response :)
Thank you.
She's super cute.
Although still a bit scared she did eat a yogurt treat today. I took another and held it out and asked her to come to me and she took 2 steps to me and ate the treat. I'm so happy she did that.
She really seems to be ok being held now. Surprising to me but it's definitely ok. She lets me pick her up with no fit and somewhat relaxed looks around and just hangs out. When she "says" she wants down she hopes back into her hutch and looks at me. Never runs off.
We were given a good size hutch yesterday and after some rebuilding for safety she's now in it and loving it.
In the long run she'll have a whole area and house but until then this will be perfect.
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Might be TMI but she pooped today for the first time since we trapped her. So happy to see it. Lol! Looks normal and she's eating and drinking well.
Looks like we're on the right track. :)
You have to actually put your fingers on either side of it and push downwards then outwards to pop it out. That's not popped or exposed at all. While it does appear female-ish in that photo, you should really try and expose it properly to know for sure. Boys can suck their testicles into their body.
I'll do it again and post a new pic ASAP. Not easy alone. Lol! I video'd with my teeth then did a screen shot to get this one. Lol!
Hi y'all!
Just thought I'd post an update.
Our Bella has put on almost a pound and a half of weight since we trapped her. Has filled all the boney areas in nicely.
She's still pretty untrusting but is getting better.
She is definitely a she. We had her spayed last week. She's recovering well and I think enjoying indoor life as she heals and grows fur back.
Since she's been here she's really turning into a lion head. All her mane is coming in and she has fluffy bootie patches now. Lol! She's pretty cute.
I'll post some pics when she's recovered and I can snag some.
Thanks everyone for the help!
Happy Holidays!
Thanks for the beautiful story and your good care of Bella. The clustering of her color markings suggests some Californian, but what's so much more interesting is the sable cinnabun coloring. An excellent book for understanding and training bunnies is the Barons Educational Series Training Your Pet Rabbit by Pat Bartlett.
We're trying. :)
That's what my original thoughts were. Californian x Lionhead. She isn't getting the full mane etc to be full plus her body isn't quite Lionhead. Her Cinnabun coloring has gotten more noticeable too. She's neat.
I will look inti that book! Thanks for the help! Much appreciated!