Red Bull

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This girl I went to college with would always have horrrrrrible breath. She sat next to me and we became friends but WHEW! SMELLY! She smoke weed in her car before school then drank her Red Bull and so he would have horrible smelling Red Bull breath every SINGLE day. I hate the smell of Red Bull burps now. But I can still drink Red Bull, it just reminds me of her lol.

You ever had a Red Bull? I've never had a Red Bull before, but I had a Red Bull last night - I really like Red Bull.
lol! That's my line! Best part of the movie. I can tell when I'm having a really *itchy day because my joes will bring me red bull. I have to rearrange my attitude but sometimes it's the only thing that will get me through the day
HEHE! I love that part and hes like oh and I got this...this new glow in the dark thing...but you cant really see it right now, unless you go like this..(cups hands over glowing necklace) OH and I love the part about taking that girl to a ball!!! HAHAHAHA!

I only drink Red Bull when I am sooo tired of drinking soda or Gatorade or water. Other than that, I had too many Monsters, Jagerbombs, and Red Bull in high school lol
Shame on me I know :p
Because all pretty girls deserve to go to a ball.

I drank a lot of monster on my first deployment. I've moved up in the world with Red Bull.

Jager is disgusting. Came from Germany about 8 months ago and you see a lot of people with a bottle of Jager. Bleh but I detest licorice flavored anything to begin with.

Gonna go watch yes man now!

Edit: Why the hell are we up so late?
I hate jäger too but hey, in high school it's all "anything to get drunk" ahhh the stupidity! I want to visit Germany. Was it beautiful?!

I love Yes Man! My favorite is when it randomly comes on TV, I have to watch it every time.

Haha, I am up late because I got a new rabbit and I was watching to make sure Buster doesn't bite her through the gate, he did really good but I was afraid that if I went to sleep that he would bite her in the middle of the night so I stayed up as long as I could to be sure they were acting civilized. But now I know that I'm supposed to cage him too
Red Bull smells like throw up to me.

I like Monster Absolute Zero so it has no sugars or calories in it. I don't drink them very often and not a lot of it in one go.

But I took my son to his allergist one day last summer and I had a Monster with me. So the allergy doctor came in and he started talking about Lenox's allergies and then he stops and says to me.....I'm sorry, this is not my place but can I tell you about energy drinks? He was waaay nice about it and a totally cute and nice doctor ;) Anywho, he proceeds to tell me a lot of doctor talk about how bad energy drinks are for you. He said he wants them outlawed in the USA and said if they don't get outlawed then there will be an age requirement someday because of how many people they've killed.

Say wha.......!?!?

And listen I'm not above things that are bad for you. I drink beer like it's water, I love a good greasy burger, and chocolate and peanut butter make me happy. But I came home and started researching energy drinks after that and it freaked me the f$*k out!

I haven't given them up completely but I drink just a tiny amount every now and again.
I love the red bull with no sugar and no calories or carbs. One of the C words thats bad for you. I think red bull tastes like pee in a can, but sometimes if I'm driving a long distance or something, I'll chug like 3 in a row and then run next to the car while I'm driving. And then to get the taste of red bull out of my mouth and to sort of stop burping it up, I'll drink a mocha starbucks cold coffee in the glass bottles, the big one. Hahaha. Then I just start to push the car down the road doing 70 mph. Then my husband threatens to smack me because I can't stop talking or singing or hitting the bump reflectors on the road.
Oh yeah I heard one story about a year ago that someone heard something in their monster can kinda jiggling around so they poured it out and there was a rat or mouse tail in it! :0

Hahaha Morgan you're so crazy!!! XD
Out of control Morgan. Remind me never to go on a road trip with you. Or maybe we should. Get there twice as fast. Omar tried to leave me at a gas station once because I was all hopped up on something.
I think I'm a blast too! Together we could be atomic! But crazy? Dude you throw sticks at your poor rooster.
Did you see what that pterodactyl did to my hand? You would have thrown a stick at that dinosaur too!
Yes, I think we would be atomic, something would definitely blow up.
Ahhhhahaha! Pterodactyl! XD I am known for my craziness too. I wish Leo could meet you hehe, he would finally stop calling me crazy!

That would be a good idea to go on a road trip with Morgan and she could entertain us with rants about Christopher Columbus and pirates and other silly things, like why does the curling iron have a warming on it that says "for external use only" ewww! Who the heck did something nasty so that they had to put the warning there!
Earthworms? Cause they're my favorite worm. I used to have a worm business when I was 5. I dug for hours and got a bunch of worms and put up a little box and a sign in my grandmothers antique shop that said WORMS 4 SELL! Lmao. And I think the R and S were backwards. And I would sell them for a nickel. People bought those suckers too! I have no idea what they did with them.
Went on to creat such classics as Earthworm Gym. Should have sold the rights as well! Live and learn.

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