rabbit sneezing

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Jul 10, 2013
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so my rabbits been having sneezing fits maybe once a day or every other day.. anyway i think its allergies but i took him to the vet and she gave him antibiotics and an anti inflammatory incase its a respiratory issue.. anyway is this gonna be bad to give him if it is just allergies?
Personally, I would be thankful to have the antibiotics. If it is a respiratory infection, best to treat before it gets worse because when rabbits get bad respiratory infections its almost impossible to cure. So, best to "nip it in the bud" in my opinion.

That said, rabbits do sometimes get upset tummies from the antibiotics. It upsets the balance of their gut flora. I gave mine antibiotics but I always fed all their pellets, hay, greens first-- waited an hour or two and then gave them their antibiotics. Never had a problem.

Also, its good to feed a probiotic like Bene-bac. Its in most pet stores.
My vet gave me extra antibiotics for my rat Bailey to save me the trip next time, I would much rather treat for respiratory infection then let it go thinking it is allergies. Respiratory infections can come on quickly and be deadly, I lost one if my rats in less then a week from it.

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