Rabbit Show?

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Jul 22, 2009
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, Illinois, USA
Hi I am thinking about showing my rabbit at the fair. I have not shown them beforeor attended oneand do not know what to expect. It says rabbits shown in regular classes must be marked in the ear. I dont know if Lionheads need to be tagged. Doesnt tagging hurt the bunny?? Will it leave a hole? Is it really worth it to damage my rabbits ear? He is apretty guy with gorgeous unique patterned furand would love to show him. But I just dont know. I would love to go though!! I am very interested in the fancy. I would love to see what breeders say about him and see all the other types of breeds of rabbits.
Or is it just like a marking?
It helps if we know what state or country you're from. In the US - the animals are tattooed in the ear - I think in the UK they use tags...
Oh I am in IL, USA. So is tattooing mean permant ink in the skin? Or is it just written on with a marker?
It is the ink in the ear - not a marker. You need to get someone to tattoo your rabbit or buy a tattoo set.
Yikes isnt that a little too painful for a little rabbit? What exactly do I tattoo in the ear? Is it tattooed on the outside of the ear on top? Or underneath where there is less fur?
It is tattooed on the inside of the ear - since you're not a breeder you can tattoo whatever you want. (Breeders often times use codes to tell what litter the rabbit is from).
Feel free to post pictures of your boy if you want....but since you know he's a lionhead....you probably don't need our help...

There ya go! Some pix. I think you already saw them though! I was the one wondering if he was single or double maned and what color and marking he is.
I don't think you can show him in ARBA shows as he's not on the standard and usually the shows don't take that coloring.

As for 4H shows..I have no idea.
You have to find out the rules for the fair you want to show at. If it is going to be an ARBA sanctioned show (American Rabbit Breeders Assoc.) you may not be able to show an as yet "unaccepted" color. If it is going to be a 4-H show for Youth, many Fairs do accept unusual colors.

Contact the Show Superintendent and ask for a Rabbit Show Catalog. That will give you all the info...
They told me any color is acceptable in Lionhead. I dont even have to know what it is to enter him. I wanted to know what he is for personal reasons though. I still dont know if Lionheads have to be marked or not. I just found out about that. I will have to try and contactthe head guyagain, but I always work all day. And dont want to call at dinner time or later. The catelog does notmention onlycertaincolors ormarkingsof Lionheads. It also says only rabbits shown in the regular class needs to be marked. I have a good feeling that does not include Lionhead since it is not a regular breed. But I am not sure. And I will not take him if I have to tattoo his ear. I think that is wrong. He did not ask for a painful tattoo. I do not want to hurt him or cause him to fear me. But if not I will definately take him. It is not the 4-H one, its an open one, but I think it is hosted by them since they are having a 4-H only one too. I dont think its regulated by the club. Though Im not sure.

I am thinking he is Harlequin Magpie too! Though I am new to rabbits and still learning. So not positive.
If you are against tattooing, then it's great that you found a show that doesn't require it. But honestly, I have never had a rabbit fear me or hate me, or hold it against me that I tattooed their ear. If it is done right, it can be relatively quick with minimum of discomfort. Most of the bunnies object more to being held tightly than to the tattoo itself. The ear can be iced to numb it. The pen we use is very fast (I can do 4- 5 characters in under 90 seconds.) There is no bleeding or route for infection.

And once the rabbit is marked, you are sure of it's pedigree (parentage). This prevents making any breeding mistakes (too close), allows repeat breedings (following a pedigree) and prevents anyone from incorrectly "claiming" your rabbit as theirs.

You are entitled to your opinion, but please don't condemn those that do tattoo.

One other point, you should also find out from the Show Superintendent how long the Fair runs, and if you have to leave your rabbit for the duration of the Fair. Some Fairs rules state that the rabbit has to remain cooped on site from the start of the Fair until the end. That could be 4-7 days.
Has anyone has a rabbit scream or try to get away while getting a tattoo?? Or is it quick enough that they dont realize it hurts? I wont enter him if I have to leave him there that long. I think you do overnight though. Which still makes me nervous. Is it possible someone might try to claim is as theirs? Or do you think they might just take him? Or do they keep a good eye on things at the show? Sorry I didnt mean to condem anything. I just thought it might be too painful. He doesnt really need a tatt since I dont breed and the breeder oviously doesnt care to keep track since they sell to a pet store.
I have had a couple rabbits not even flinch when getting a tat. and others jump. It is really quick and no one's personality changed because of it. My buns still love me. The tats help keep your rabbit's identity and no one can mistake them for their own.

It is no worse than getting your animals vaccinated.....
I've had a few "try to get away"... but that was mostly because they did not want to be held. I hadn't even started to tattoo them! LOL! And the young bunnies do have to learn to accept a certain level of handling. If they want to be difficult, I use a soft bath towel and make a "bunny burrito". Just kind of wrap them up, leaving out the head and ears. As soon as they feel secure, they calm down. (None of them like to think they are going to fall.)

Look into how long the Fair is and if you have to leave him. You would have to check out the security measures the Fair has in place to protect the rabbits. And make your decision based on what you learn.
The tattoo is part of what proves he's yours...as your entry is marked with his tattoo number.

Yeah - I've had rabbits scream. Many? Maybe 2 or 3....out of ... 50 or more?

But its quick and its over and done with.

I will be surprised if you can show him without a tattoo - even for 4H. But I'm not familiar with their rules.
I have yet to have a bun scream. I use a tattoo pen and its quick and easy. Think of it as getting your ears pierced. The pain is over in a sec. They sqirm a bit but like BlueGiants said its due more to them not wanting to be held so still. I do understand your point but tattooing is part of showing...its all about identification and record keeping.
Ah okay I will think about it then. I guess it doesnt sound too bad. It would be cool to have his name on his ear. Or do they give me a certan number to use?

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