Rabbit Rescue

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Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2013
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Hi there,

I am a potentialy new rabbit owner, there is a little/huge guy who has been surrendered at our local vet, him and his story have tugged some little strings on my heart and my partner and I would love to adopt him.
We have no experiance with rabbits but this guy looks like he should be in the wild, his HUGE not fat but he looks like a Hare.

I wanted to know basics, like can you use positive training with rabbits, we have 2 dogs who have lived with ducks so they make friends easily but this guy doesnt like to be held just patted and loud sounds tend to make him a little stressed so i wanted to work on that.

Basic information would be great, as I am all about responsible pet ownership, he is micro chipped and desexed.

I look forward to everyones replies
Do they have any idea how old he is? Do you have any photos to post?

Few rabbits like to be held. They prefer to have all fours planted firmly on the floor while being pet. So that is not anything unusual.

There is lots of information on this forum. I suggest you browse through the library section. There have also been some recent posts with good info too. Here's one such post:
Thanks :),

I dont have a photo as of yet, I;; try take one when we see him tomorrow but I googled what a Hare looks like and he looks exactly the same.
They have no idea how old he is, his fur is amazing so soft. Aaa good to know that rabbits dont generally like to be picked up.... would a vet micro chipp a whild rabbit?? there are heaps of them in the area, I hope its previous owners havent caught it and decided to keep it then leave it. His very calm though and LOVES to be patted on the bridge of his nose, makes him fall asleep.
I saw him yawn his teeth are so sharp and very big as well
Without giving you a real photo of him this is as close to what he looks like, except his ears are a little longer and lighter on the inside.

On another note I have just looked up a Flemish Giant, it could be one of those ? do large breed rabbits have special requirements, what is a good sized enclosure?
hmmm... when I get proper pictures I guess it will be easier for people here to give me some guidence of breed origins, we are still deciding wether we can take him on or not.
And costing, roughly how much per week does the up keep and maintenance of a rabbit cost?
Costs...hmmm. That can depend. You're in Australia, so I'm not sure of availability and costs of supplies there.
Here, some estimates say a rabbit can cost $80 per month to maintain. But many of us cut costs quite a bit. I buy timothy hay by the bale instead of purchasing small bags from a petstore. I also buy the Oxbow food pellets in bulk. For greens, I try to grow herbs so I don't have to buy so much at the grocery store.
Costs...hmmm. That can depend. You're in Australia, so I'm not sure of availability and costs of supplies there.
Here, some estimates say a rabbit can cost $80 per month to maintain. But many of us cut costs quite a bit. I buy timothy hay by the bale instead of purchasing small bags from a petstore. I also buy the Oxbow food pellets in bulk. For greens, I try to grow herbs so I don't have to buy so much at the grocery store.

What is in the pellets does anyone feed their rabbits what they would eat in the wild? i dont know like dogs have raw diets our dogs eat a part raw part kibble diet is there such thing for a rabbit?

Here are photos of him i took this morning


I'm pretty certain that isn't a wild rabbit. Looks more like a flemish, or some sort other giant breed. If you look at HolyHandGrenades Monty blog, you'll see pics of her flemish, and you can see how alike yours and hers look. And if he's letting you give nose rubs, then he obviously feels pretty comfortable with you. Him not liking being picked up is pretty normal. He can learn to tolerate it though. Sometimes it's just getting him used to it, and also finding the way he feels most comfortable with.

A rabbit on a no pellet diet, would be fed grass hay and LOTS of veggies. And I'm sure a flemish would eat quit alot of veggies in a day. You would have to carefully plan a diet like that to ensure your bun got the right nutrients. Always introduce veggies one at a time, and start with small amounts and gradually increase if your buns poops stay normal.

First, you need to make sure to continue to feed the same pellets that he was being fed at the vet office. Switching a rabbits food suddenly, can sometimes make them very sick. Then if you decide to keep him on pellets, you need to either continue to feed the same kind that he is used to, or slowly transition him onto a new kind of pellet. To transition to a new pellet, you start with a small amount of the new food, added to the old food, and over 2-3 weeks you slowly increase the amount of new food and decrease the amount of old food, until at the end of 2-3 weeks, you are only feeding the new food. During this switch you keep an eye on your rabbits poops to make sure they stay normal and don't get soft or really tiny, or stop. You want to feed a plain pellet, with no seeds or treats added to it. I don't know what is available to you, but it's best to feed a pellet without any corn ingredients in it. A timothy based pellet is best but that can get expensive, especially with such a large rabbit. Limited alfalfa based pellets is fine, just try to get it without the corn. Generally the feeding amount is 1/4-1/2 cup per 6 lb. of body weight. You always want to feed unlimited grass hay as well. For a rabbit that large you would need to buy a whole bale of it, or it could get very expensive to buy the little bags all the time. Here in the states we can get large 50 lb bags of alfalfa based rabbit food, and 50 lb bales of grass hay, at a feed store or tractor farm supply store for a good price. The hay is $5-15 and the rabbit food is $15-25. If you have something like that, then you may be able to find what you need, there.
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I'm no expert, but I can say your boy looks a lot like my Flemish Giant doe, Monty, as Jenny mentioned :)


I keep her in a large dog crate...

...and have a gate in the kitchen doorway so I can let her run around in there.
I'm no expert, but I can say your boy looks a lot like my Flemish Giant doe, Monty, as Jenny mentioned :)


I keep her in a large dog crate...

...and have a gate in the kitchen doorway so I can let her run around in there.

Ow awesome!!! he does too phew so glad his not a Hare!!.
any advice?? tell me everything I need to know lol
Head on over to my blog, http://www.rabbitsonline.net/f18/monty-my-big-baby-bunny-2012-a-68956/

I started it at the beginning when I got her, and shared her growth, our bonding, and what I feed her. She is now 8 months old and I'll be getting her spayed before the end of this month. I know you said yours is desexed already, so you thankfully don't have to deal with this fun teenage stage. Anything I don't mention in the blog, feel free to ask here or post in my thread and I'll answer if I know :)
Thank you :) we dont know how old he is which sucks but the vet de sexed him before he goes to his new home, which I think was responsible of them. No one wants an entire rabbit getting loose and running around.
I might tell you guys a little about me as well, im 21 have 2 dogs a Dalmaian dog (16 months) and a American Pitbull Bitch (3yo). My dalmatian is a show dog and I am all about the ethical breeding and ownership of animals.
I hate petshops and irresponsible breeders trying to make a quick buck. I beleive in the proper up bringing of all animals and doing your research, both my dogs are socialised very well so I know bunny will be safe, we have had them around ducklings and chicks with no problems.

I have always wanted to foster dogs but I live with my parenter and his family, his mother HATES animals, so our dogs are outside most the time and sleep in the laundry at night.... Bunny will be outside in a run during the day and inside the granny flat at night with sneaking him in our room before we put him to bed :) (its easier to sneak in a rabbit then a dog)
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He is such a handsome fellow and I recommend you to read all about Monty, she´s such a lovely lassie and I just love those ears and still can´t get over how big she is. You´ll really enjoy reading all about her.

I do totally agree with doing your homework, sometimes, people really don´t realise what they´re getting into with some pets and the cost and time elements involves. I have learnt so much from RO and it´s great that so many people participate in sharing their experiences and their knowledge and I think now I just love reading about anyone´s rabbits, they are all such personalities than I would never have believed before owning mine. And yes, it´s great to be able to obsess about everything rabbity with other people who understand.

I love dalmations although they are sometimes a bit mad. My auntie had one years ago, he was a bit boisterous to say the least so not sure if they´re all the same. I love the idea of you "sneaking" the rabbit in at night haha. Yes, definitely easier than the dogs.
He is such a handsome fellow and I recommend you to read all about Monty, she´s such a lovely lassie and I just love those ears and still can´t get over how big she is. You´ll really enjoy reading all about her.

I do totally agree with doing your homework, sometimes, people really don´t realise what they´re getting into with some pets and the cost and time elements involves. I have learnt so much from RO and it´s great that so many people participate in sharing their experiences and their knowledge and I think now I just love reading about anyone´s rabbits, they are all such personalities than I would never have believed before owning mine. And yes, it´s great to be able to obsess about everything rabbity with other people who understand.

I love dalmations although they are sometimes a bit mad. My auntie had one years ago, he was a bit boisterous to say the least so not sure if they´re all the same. I love the idea of you "sneaking" the rabbit in at night haha. Yes, definitely easier than the dogs.

Yeap his a boisterous boy but we have taught him "gentle" so he can sometimes control himself, we needed to teach him this so he didnt bowl over the other pups at the park. Our girl APBT is amazing such a placid gentle nature and she is an amazing alpha for our pup.
I am dog mad, so im sure I will become bunny mad soon especially with this guy being such a cool breed haha.
I look forward to getting to know our little rescue, we have named him Jiminy (as in Jiminy Crickett) he is very quiet and reserved at the vets so im hoping we can bring him out of his shell.
Welcome from another Aussie! Food wise we don't have the selection that those in the US have, it's pretty much Oxbow (which is about $20 for a 2.5kg bag) or Barastoc which is pretty much one of the best pellets you can get, make sure it's the Rabbit stuff and not Rabbit and Guinea Pig. Hay wise if Jiminy's outside in a secure pen he'll eat some grass while he's out there but if you can get grass hay or oat hay he'll love you for it, just try him with it and see as they can be fussy food wise.
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Welcome from another Aussie! Food wise we don't have the selection that those in the US have, it's pretty much Oxbow (which is about $20 for a 2.5kg bag) or Barastoc which is pretty much one of the best pellets you can get, make sure it's the Rabbit stuff and not Rabbit and Guinea Pig. Hay wise if Jiminy's outside in a secure pen he'll eat some grass while he's out there but if you can get grass hay or oat hay he'll love you for it, just try him with it and see as they can be fussy food wise.

Ow awesome :) I was wondering why I couldnt find anything people were talking about hahaha, how much food do they year? how long will a bail of hay last and 2.5kg of pellets?

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