Rabbit not having children?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2010
Reaction score
Aligarh, , India
It's been nearly one year with my rabbits. Male+Female allegedly. I am not really sure but the person who sold them was positive. I understand the whole too much bunnies concept but I want some. It's been a year so...
Should I wait for some time or should I take them to a vet for infertility?
If it has been a year and they have not had a litter, chances are they are both the same gender. Taking them to the vet won't help you in that case ;-)
A year is too long anyway. Chances are by now the doe(s) would be too old to have a litter without complications. Other than that, I'm surprised that your bunnies haven't been fighting.

And there isn't fertility for bunnies at vets. ;) They'd probably look at you funny, lol. I know vets here would!

Male rabbits that are mature are rally easy to spot. If, by this time there is nothing showing you may have two females. All rabbits will hump to show domination but two females will not get you anything else.
I press on their vent but they both have a v shape. One is quite larger,friendlier than the other one. And no, they haven't been snipped as of yet. And in India, no one really cares to see if they are neutered or anyting. I am pretty sure they weren't weanable when I got them. They were small as hamsters...

Thanks for your answers and yes I have seen them humping and Bugs is usually on top of Bunny but sometimes Bunny is on top to probably show dominance. I suppose they are not fighting because they are siblings i.e of the same litter,family etc....
If you are only looking at their parts, but not seeing any testes, then I'm going to guess they're both female. The testes are quite visible in mature males.

The majority of adult females will fight, even if they're from the same litter, but there are the few that get along and enjoy living together.
will adult males fight too? i checked them a looong time ago tbh. I'll check again today or tomorrow
A buck will have a circular hole, and a doe will have a 'line'.

I usually check for the presence of testes even after looking at the genitalia. On a 6 month to year old rabbit, they'll be little pink sacks :)
Some bucks will have it all hanging out, but some will suck them up.

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