Rabbit Molting really bad?

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Mar 20, 2013
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I have had y mini lop rabbit for almost a year and when I first got him he had light brown with some dark brown coloring and now he is super dark brown, it may be black. He went through a really bad stage to where he got bald spots on his stomach, chest, and shoulders to where i thought he had mites, but now i know that its just really bad molting. The fur grew back and he is now almost black. I know that it was molting, but is there a reason why my rabbit molted this bad? Here is a picture of him in the process of molting ImageUploadedByRabbit Forum1381199586.007589.jpg

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He is just going through a molting stage, some take longer and are more "bad" the others. It looks like his fur was sun bleached, in my opinion, so it is good for the coat to be growing in a darker color. A light coat like that can also signify that the coat is "dead" which means it is ready to molt out. If he was light brown when you got him, I doubt he would be a black, it seems more like a seal, which looks black but in reality is a dark charcoal brown :)
Thank you RabbitGirl101, it wasn't a sun bleach though because he is always in the shade. You are probably right, he was most likely loosing that dead fur. But will it happen to him every year? Will he have that dead fur every year? Thanks

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just keep brushing him out and keeping the mats gone. Some moults are just harder than others.
Sometimes they have a bigger molt than other times, so I wouldn't worry too much as long as you're keeping him well groomed.

As to the different color a lot of times I feel like it looks darker when it first starts growing in and lightens up some. Also, new fur that comes in after their 6monthold(ish) molt should be the permanent color/texture.
You can read here: http://www.barbibrownsbunnies.com/grooming.htm

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