Rabbit miscarriage

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Oct 30, 2011
Reaction score
toledo, Ohio, USA
Hey guys. I haven't posted on here in few years, but I really have some questions I'd like answered regarding my bunnies miscarriage.

First let me say I have two holland lops, one doe one buck.
She is an amazing mom having done two litters in the past. She has never had a peanut or dead kit.. And has produced 8 very adorable babies!

Her most alive recent litter was born on March 25th. On the day they turned two weeks old there was an accident where both bunnies were out together (long story).

I was worried because it was obviously too soon it seemed for her to be rebred, but was assured by some online breeding websites. I made sure the current little bunnies weaned off early so she would not be as stressed

Last night I had walked in to see a few red globs on the ground. It would have been day 30. Since never seeing a completely undeveloped fetus I assumed that was her miscarriage or placenta or something. She was sooo bloody.

This morning I awoke to a scattered litter of four kits. All cold and dead but developed. A nest was attempted but not much was in the box.

I have just came home from work to find two more in the box, dead.. And I see on her litter box a fetus the size of a quarter and a red glob.

I really don't know much in the medical field but are these both placentas? Can someone help me put the pieces together? Why was there that tiny fetus? Why were the bunnies scattered? I heard that's a first time mama thing. Did they die inside or out? Is mom going to be okay? I understand this is a fact of life and move on, but all the pieces seem so confusing!
If they were developed then it's possible some were born alive and died overnight due to cold. There's a common misconception that just because they're cold, that they're dead. Unless you know how long they've been cold it never hurts to warm them up and see if some of them might still be alive. If they're still not moving once they're warm, then you know for sure.

How long from the time you weaned the kits did you breed her? It doesn't sound like that was the issue, but it may have added some stress to her. Does normally do a good job of cleaning up the placentas and blood. I'd giver her a break for awhile before breeding again.
She was accidentally rebred when the kits were two weeks old. We weaned them around 4 in a half weeks.

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