Rabbit is Cold, What to do

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New Member
Jul 23, 2014
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My rabbit has been having digestive issues which I went to the vet today for. He ate some food at 6pm pst, but is now suddenly getting cold to the touch. I have a thermometer but the batteries are dead. :c I am using a space heater and warm towel/warm water container to try and keep him warm until tommorow where he can see a vet. Should I try to feed him critical care, water, something? How can i get his body to stop shutting down? Thank you so much.
Is your rabbit warming up at all? Did the vet not instruct you to syringe feed your rabbit every few hours? Once a complete blockage is ruled out by the vet, your rabbit needs to be syringe fed if he isn't eating well on his own. What other meds and treatment is your bun getting, and did the vet rule out a complete blockage? Were any diagnostics done to find out if another health problem is the cause of the digestive issues? Is it a specific digestive problem, or is it GI stasis? Where the teeth checked?

If his condition seems to be deteriorating, you need to try and get him into the vet right away. Do you have an emergency vet that treats rabbits, that you can take him into?
I think it would be ok to syringe some warm water or electrolyte solution into him, but like jbun said not food incase there is a blockage. Hydration is always helpful.