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Jul 1, 2007
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Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Some more bad news tonite--Bonnie, a little mis-marked Dutch passed away an hour ago with no warning that she wasn't well. Don't know for sure how old she was, but it should have been around4 years based on how long we've had her and how old the Vet estimated when we first were found by her. We had just come home from the Vet with another rescue and she was out in the middle of our front lawn--the sprinkler's were on next door and had flushed her out of the shrubbery. I thought at first that Hutch had gotten out of the work shop/rabbit room as I saw the little white spot on the nose. When I looked closer, I knew it wasn't hutch--he has two white legs and this one only had a white foot. So, it was off to the vet again. She was such a friendly little girl--all I had to do was say "come here bunny" and she came right to me and let me pick her up. She loved playing in boxes of newspaper and would look like she had a giant bow tie sometimes when she had so much of it in her mouth moving it from one box to another. So many binkies, dead bunny flops, and just laying flat out in the middle of the rug with her little back legs sticking straight out behind her. She loved chewing apple branches and paper tubes from toilet paper and paper towels rolls. At Christmas, she really loved dragging around the longer tubes from wrapping paper and trying to throw them. Well, I could go on about her for a lot more but I won't. Suffice it to say that myself, Nancy and our son Dan will miss her a lot. The good thing to hold onto is that we gave her love and a good life and that she found us. She was a very sweet little girl, was 100% bunny rabbit with all the quirks and wonderful little things they do. No matter how hard we try and wish, we can't keep them forever and no amount of time is long enough. She had a very good life with us and we will miss her and all our other bridge bunnies--Commodore Stockton, Mel, Commander Bun-Bun, Lilly, Bunnicula I, and Mr B---greet our little girl at the bridge and Binky free--we miss you all so much. I will put some pictures in in a couple of days as this is hard enough to do for right now. Rest in peace my darling little sweet bunny girl. Dad.:cry1:
Oh no!! So sorry. :sad: Such a sad day.

Bonnie sounded like such a sweetheart. She seemed meant to be there.

I don't think there really is a way to estimate an adult bunny age. The vets just guess.

What a great life she had with you. She was already in heaven.

:rip: Bonnie.

Best to you, Nancy and Dan. :pink iris:
Sorry for your loss. She sounded like the sweetest bunny.

:purplepansy:Binky Free Bonnie :purplepansy:

Sorry to hear about Bonnie but it sounds like she had a good life with you.

we can't keep them forever and no amount of time is long enough.
thanks everybody--I'm really gonna miss her-she was my rabbit mostly. She was fixed, but would still figure eight around me and bump my legs. If Nancy was in the room she would screech and attack her legs. Needless to say, one of us though it was funny. Her nickname was "Turd Ferguson" which was cherry picked from Saturday Night Lives running Jeopardy skit and Norm MacDonald's take of Burt Reynolds. She was a bossy little girl and a very loving rabbit with boatloads of personality--I still can't believe she is gone and so suddenly.
I'm so sorry :(

Binky free little girl.

see you on the other side
I'm so sorry about your little one! Thanks so much for sharing about her, and the wonderful life she found when she found your family. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Binky-free, Bonnie, with the rest of the troupe!
We buried her in the yard this morning and put up a rock marker. We are going to miss you my sweet little girl, and all your silliness. I'll never forget how much I had to watch out while you were out--I couldn't take two steps without bumping in to you sweety. Till we meet up again. Dad.
I am so sorry for your loss, she seemed like such a character especially with the leg atacking part, and it is so true that you cant keep them forever and no matter how long we have them it is never long enough

hugs to you and your family
Aww. I love that last pic. I love when bunnies lay like that.

:hug: Hugs to you and your family. I know it's reallytough when you lose a pet /member of the family.
I am so sorry to hear that you lost Bonnie. She certainly sounds like a typical Dutchie girl - full of personality! You can't help but fall in love with them.

Those pictures are precious. And it sounds as though Fate definitely sent her your way, knowing she would have a great life with you.

God Bless, Bonnie, sweet girlie.

I'm so sorry. It sounds like she was a very special, silly girl. She was destined to be with you, and she was a lucky girl because of that! She had a wonderful life, days full of relaxing and knowing she was loved. Best wishes to you and your family and bunnies.

Binky free, silly Bonnie.
I'm so sorry for your loss, Binky free little Bonnie :angelandbunny:

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