Please list the brand name of rabbit litter you use

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Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2009
Reaction score
Perth, , Australia
Hi guys

If you are from Australia, could you please state what brand name and type of rabbit litter you use please?

I am currently using Wonder Wheat which is fantastic, biodegradable, flushes down the loo and doesn't smell of pee whatsoever but it is breaking the bank. So expensive at $22 for a 8 litre bag which lasts me about 3 weeks with scooping out carefully and retaining what I can keep.

Can't afford it and need to change to something else. Interested to know what others use. American/Canadian brands etc may not be available to us.

Your help is muchly appreciated.

I'm in NZ but im sure you'll be able to get them over there, they're wood fire pellets, look like rabbit pellets but a smidge bigger. I find they have a nice pine scent and don't break the bank at all with $10 for a 20KG bag of them. They should be available at bunnings or one of those home DIY stores.
I used to buy woody pet for my bunnies quite a longwhile ago ,then pet stock stopped selling it,so i started to buy recycled paper litter,they're ..and i've justbrought it for the bunnies ever since...I buy the 35 litre bag...which cost's me $22.
thank you for asking this question.

I think I will write down the names on a piece of paper and put it in my wallet so I can check out some of them!

I know my parents will appreciate a reduced odour... and so will I for that matter.
Hi All
I use Woody Pet. It's harder to find suppliers now via the website but there is a contact. I get a 13kg bag for $16 from a fodder store.
Also have heard of Oz-pet pelleted wood litter. If you can find plain old wood pellets (accelerant free)try get them.
I also use breeders choice cat litter. It's really good & pretty cheap!
I use...uuummmmm....ummmm....(quick dash to the kitchen to find the name).....DR HARRY'S LIGHT AND's cheap, biodegradable and absorbs the smell...I get it from Coles or Woolworths...
PeytonBunny wrote:
I use...uuummmmm....ummmm....(quick dash to the kitchen to find the name).....DR HARRY'S LIGHT AND's cheap, biodegradable and absorbs the smell...I get it from Coles or Woolworths...

Hey Kerri,i know you have just the one bun..but i was thinking...that Dr Harry's brand is like around$10...for a 15 litre bag...i think it's 15 litre..i cannot remember now....but if you buy breeders choice recycled paper litter it is only around $16 for a 24 litre bag...which would last you a long time with just Peyton and which are available in Coles and Woolworths....or even better you could go to Pet Stock and buy a 35 litre bag of breeders choice for around $23...that's what i have bought for a long time now..

Just wanted tolet you know:)
Thanks Cheryl. I have seen Breeders Choice in my supermarket but was worried that because it looked a lot like rabbit pellets Peyton might eat it :embarrassed:

I'll get it next time I go shopping and try it out..
After reading this, I've changed over to Breeders Choice. It's convenient that it's available in the supermarket and very cheap. Thanks guys!
this price comparison is interesting, because I bought a bag of the breeders choice (after seeing it here) and the same size bag of the dr harry stuff. and I am almost certain the dr harry one was slightly cheaper for the same size 15 litre bag. that was from safeway... puzzling.

I haven't opened the dr harry one yet but the breeders choice recycled paper is doing pretty well. I wish I had got this stuff sooner!
Breeders Choice is great stuff; only you Auzzies are being greedy and keeping it all to yourselves.:tears2:It's no longer being imported into N.Z. and America. :expressionlessThe next best thing is twice the price in stores. I'm going to start to make my own now.:sigh:
LOL!....but i know how much of a pain it is when you love a product so much and buy it all the time and then they stop it....very annoying.

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