Please keep an eye out for my bunnies

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Jan 8, 2015
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My parents took it upon themselves to give away my bunnies to the first random person who would take them. I am devastated but if I could just know there were happy then it would be okay and otherwise I'd be happy to take them back.

I know this is long shot but I needed to do something about it. Any other ideas how to handle the situation would be super helpful too.

I've attached a photo. Thanks :)

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Awwwhh that's horrible! Do you have any idea what area they would have been given to?

(The photos not loading for me)
I can't get the image to work but THIS IS THEM

Photo is a few months old but I'm fairly sure they were given away together. I'm in Canberra, Australia.

Thanks guys
I'm in Aus too, so I'll make sure I keep an eye out. I'll even ask my bunny friends if they've seen them :)
I think they're in a good place with a loving family. I don't have details but have been assured.

Although my saying I was feeling a bit overwhelmed was not permission to give them away, I feel a little better that they weren't just thrown out onto the street. I will continue to keep an eye out for them but at least now I'm not panicked for their safety.

Thanks everyone
I'll ask my Canberra bunny friends and I'll ask to see if anyone has seen them.

Did your parents post an ad for them anywhere?