please help!

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Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
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I have a 1.5 year old mini rex. He ate some Oxbow food this morning. I left for 3 hours and when I got home he was lieing down and not wanting to get up. He won't eat. He refuses to move around. I lifted him up and he was just still and allowed me to hold him. He typically lets me hold him for about a minute before he wants to get down. I don't know how to help him or what to do. Please help.


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He probably has gas pain. Does he seem like he is in pain (grinding teeth, pressing stomach to the floor)? Is his stomach making weird noises? Have there been any diet changes recently, housing changes, etc? Has he had any weirdly shaped poops?
I would give him one 1-2 ml dose of Infant Gas Drops (you can get them for $4 at Walmart or a pharmacy) every hour for 3 hours, and then 1-2 ml dose every 3-8 hours or as needed. If he doesn't get better after 2 doses take him to a rabbit-savvy vet. If he doesn't have gas, the drops won't hurt him.
Offer him lots of water, fresh hay, and veggies (cilantro, parsley, romaine). Keep him eating.
He eats 1/4 cup of Oxbow esseentials Adult Rabbit Food plus unlimited Timothy hay and fresh water each day. He has had this since he turned 1 year without issue. Every other day I give him some fresh mint, basil, or parsley.

He seems to keep pressing his stomach on the floor. There have been no diet or housing changes. I will look for the gas drops. Thanks.
It does sound like gas, but you need to find the root cause. Has he had any veggies recently? If so, which kinds? Does he have any tooth issues?

If you have any trouble giving him the gas drops, wrap him in a bunny burrito so that he can't wiggle.
Thank you. He does not have tooth issues and the last time he ate veggies was early last week. I was going to get him more parsley today.

This has happened twice in the past and he seems to get better after a few hours. He has been like this for 5 hours now so I am very worried.
How long ago were those past times? It sounds like he has an underlining condition. I think it would be a good idea to see the vet soon so they can do a thorough examination. Make sure to bring up that this has happened before.

Please get him to eat something. Rabbits can only go 6-8 hours without eating before it gets extremely dangerous.
In the past he stayed like this for 3 to 4 hours before he started to feel better. He refuses to eat anything. What should I try to feed him? I will try to get him to the vet to have him looked at
I would give him parsley because that helps with gas, or apple because that will get his stomach moving again. Poke him with some hay because it will make him mad, he will bite at the hay and normally with rabbits, if they taste something they will eat it. Make him run around, you can use a fly swatter to swat at his butt which will make him run.
If you haven't yet, you really should give him the gas drops because those will help almost instantly.
I tried poking him with the hay and he won't bite at it. I gently opened his mouth and placed the end of the hay in his mouth but he refuses to eat it. He will just drop it. My mom is getting the gas drops now for him and I will try apple. He doesn't want to run either. I placed him on the floor and he lays down immedeatly no matter where I place him. :(
I gave him 1.5 ml of the gas drops and with the dropper I got him to take about 7ml of water. He still won't eat but he got up and ran for a minute but he's back to laying down
It might be best to take him to the vet if he doesn't seem to be getting better. They will do an x-ray to make sure he doesn't have a blockage, and will probably give him fluids through an IV.
For now, you can syringe him some water to keep him hydrated and keep offering him food.
He is now willingly drinking water and although he doesn't want to eat yet he seems to be feeling a little better. Thanks for the help. If he won't eat within the hour there is an emergency rabbit savvy vet nearby
When mine had gas they were more in hunched up, loafed position, when seemingly relaxed and floppy it could be a blockage, does he shed fur? Blockage due to fur is treated with medical paraffin/mineral oil, about 1ml, and some other stuff. I would keep giving him water regularily. Also gentle belly massages, or making him move can help. I put the rabbit on my leg and rock the whole rabbit for 10 minutes if it looks like he doesn't mind too much. Had this with my girl some weeks ago.
See a vet asap.
Try blending up some of his pellets with water and give him that through the dropper.
I rubbed his belly for 30 minutes. I will try his pellets in water now
my rabbits actually hate pellets in water, if their pellets are slightly wet, they won't touch it.
DO NOT FORCE FEED! If it is a blockage giving mashed pellets through a syringe will make it worse! A blockage must be ruled out by a vet before you can force-feed. If you did already give him mashed pellets through a syringe please take him to the vet, so they can help him.

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