Please help me:(

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May 14, 2014
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Hello! I have an angora rabbit for 1year and 6 months ! At the end of March, he stopped eating and my doctor said he had tangles of fur in the stomach ! After 3 days of treatment he was well ,he was returned to normal , it was really good! Last week Friday stopped eating again, I stopped give him granules thinking that he has the same problem and i hoped that he will eat more haye, but he didn't ! Monday i took him to the doctor and he said that he doesn't have tangles of fur this time but has the back teeth a bit sharp and he have to anesthetize him to short them ! At the doctor's recommendation I gave 0.8 mg of carprofen for pain two times at day and I forcely feed him with the syringe critical care every hour until yesterday afternoon ! I stopped feed him with the syringe because when he doesn't like at all he 'grinding his teeth and trembles ! Hay does not want to eat, just some salad and i gave him a few granules ! When he's eating i have the impression that he has no longer his back teeth or that he will drop his food , i gues that he has pain when he eats, i do not know what I could do to force him to eat hay ! he pooped fur , sometimes soft and sometimes hard but however he didn't pooped to much just a little bit ! Please give me some advice because I am desperate , I would do anything to see him well again ! Thank so much! Elena
Was a dental done on him then, to file down the sharp points on his teeth?

If not, you will need to have the vet do a dental on him to get the sharp points burred or filed down, or it will continue to get worse til he stops eating completely. In the meantime, since he can't eat his hay, try to feed him more veggies(as long as it doesn't cause too much mushy poop) and if the granules are his rabbit food and he will eat them, then feed what you usually feed of that in a day. You could also feed him some of the Critical Care. Since he reacts badly to being syringe fed, try mixing it up and putting it in a bowl to see if he will eat some of it on his own. Or if he won't eat very much of his granules, you could soak his granules in warm water to soften them and mush them up and see if he will eat them that way. You just have to make sure he is getting enough food and water until the dental is done, or you risk him developing GI stasis again. You may also need better pain relief until you have the dental done, but you will need to discuss this with your vet.

If a dental was done already to file down the sharp points, and he is still not wanting to eat, then you need to call your vet and tell them, as your bun should be eating again and if he isn't, there may be another dental issue going on. If so, you may need to have xrays done if they weren't already, to see if there is an infection, overgrown tooth roots, or something else causing him pain.
I've been today with him to another doctor, the teeth that the other doctor polished him they are looking quite well, he made him am radiography to his stomach but it 's everything very well! but he still doesn't want to eat:(:(:( i don't know where is the problem! i've searched on internet but i didn't find anything to help me:(
When my rabbit wasn't eating I had to use Reglan (a gut motility drug) three times a day for five days, Metacam (pain medicine) once a day, and simethicone (gas drops for babies) every three hours to get him eating again. I syringe fed him Critical Care every two to three hours for about a week, even though he only took a small amount, and had his hay and regular foods (pellets and greens) available to him at all times. It took a couple of weeks for him to get back to his normal eating and pooping habits. After that, I gave him Benebac (a probiotic) a few times and now he is doing great.
oh, i am glad that your rabbit is doing fine now:) i have one week since i feed with the serynge :( and i gave him critical care and some soup of carrots! the doctor gave me today meloxidyl, metocloral and cisaral drops! when i feed him hi's grinding his teeth very loud and he doesn't even want to swalow the food! honestly i am desperate, i don't want to lose him:( tomorrow i will go with him to make him an control with ultrasound to his stomach
If you are not syringe feeding him - I think you probably should. Have you tried the technique where you wrap him in a blanket like a burrito to syringe feed. Here's a link that shows how incase that helps-

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