Please answer! Rabbit mating 7 week old baby rabbit!

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Jan 3, 2015
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So my two rabbits Got a litter 7 weeks ago we believe that all the kits are girls. And the father have been taken away while the mother was caring for the babies. Today i thought putting the father in the cage that my rabbit babies and mother is. The mother was rejecting the father. The father were there for a few minutes and then suddenly it starts mating with one of the kits! but only for like 5 - 20 seconds and we took the buck away from the babies. I was wondering is this any bad for the kit that he was mating or is ok just 15 sec... 😞😞😞😒😣 (Sorry for the bad english :/)
You need to keep the father away from the kits. He doesn't care if they're his offspring or not, or how young they are, he wants to mate. If they are girls they're really too young to get pregnant but his presence is probably just going to stress them out, and he could hurt them.
he could injure them very badly... until you spay (if you keep them) the father should not be present.
Bit when can i spay the kits. Is it not too early
you should normaly spay rabbits between 3-6 months old, some doctors say 2 months but i find that way too young, i almost think 3 months is too young, normally they start getting hormones in as early as 4 months age and the are sexually mature at 6 months.

Spaying can be difficult because there is risks and finding a doctor willing to do it and that is experienced enough to trust is also a big factor. Depending on where you are the price of spaying ranges between 100$ to maybe even close to 300$. My small vet hospital does it for 170.

Although spaying rabbits might seem unnecesary its a keen factor in helping female rabbits not get ovarian cancer which has an 80% chance of killing rabbits at the age of 5 years old, also it keeps them from having a liter every 7 weeks.

Please spay your bunnies if you decide to keep them! Hope this helps:bunny18
Need to interject this comment.. rabbits can breed and have babies as young as three months (that's HAVING their babies not just in being pregnant). So doing surgery at three months is something to consider if you have a buck who wants to breed and can possibly find a way to them. MOST will not get pregnant that young, but some can and will if there is a buck present.

Mom can be away from babies any time post four weeks of age.
Dad if raised with the kits will ignore them for a good while until they are ready to breed. If you add dad to the mix he's just going to see bunnies that may want to breed with him. It's nothing personal, he's just a boy being a boy.

Are you planning on keeping all the babies?
if so keep mom and babies together all the time. Give them a big area to call their own and fill it with hidey holes.

Then you need to consider if you plan to keep breeding and if so, how many rabbits ultimately you want to keep and what you might wish to sell.
I dont know... But i'll see until then. Not sure if i am gonna keep them. :/ Thanks you very much for your support.

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