Petting my bunny

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Active Member
Jul 16, 2012
Reaction score
Dallas, Texas, USA
Hello :)
I got Guinness about a month ago and I have a lot of questions. I really want to take care of him the best I possibly can. Guinness has always let me pet him ever since I got him. Sometimes when I pet him he just sits there with his head up and he usually nuzzles my hand a little. But other times he'll flatten his front end with his head on his paws. It looks like he's scared but if I continue to pet him he closes his eyes and kind of half falls asleep. When I stop petting him he'll stay like that for about ten seconds and then he gets up like he's been awoken from a trance. Does this mean he's enjoying being pet or is he scared?
His lying downlike is his way of showing he is really enjoying the petting. Thumper does the same but only when you rub the bottom of his ears.
Really? I'm so happy to hear that. I love petting him. He's so soft and its really relaxing. For a rabbit that didn't get much attention he's actually really sweet. All my friends love him because he's such a sweetheart. Every morning he showers me with kisses lol. I was so worried he didn't like being pet.

Nope, he's happy. My mini rex does that a lot. I joke it is the king demanding to get his attention. In bunny speak the dominant rabbit will bow and the surf (ie, you) are to groom (pet). Some rabbits will be highly offended if you do not respond to the request, it's very rude not to offer a pet.

Luckily rabbits have differnt priorities. As long you you let them be the boss in important matters such as grooming, they will let you be the boss on every thing else. That's also why you never want to pet under their chin, very rude. That is the same as demanding to be groomed in return.

It sounds like you have a benevolant ruler who grooms you as well, but it would be rude to ask. :)
I have another question. I was wondering if I should buy a plush bed for my bunny. I have a folded pillow case that I made in fashion design as his bed right now but he doesn't sleep on it. Do bunnies like sleeping on soft plushy things?
It all depends on the bunny. I have two that prefer the cool tiles and two that love blankies. Just be careful if you give them plush things they don't chew them up. That also depends on the bun.
Neither one of my buns want anything to do with a "pre-made" bed. My big bunny does love nesting and pushing around his bed sheet; it was just an old one I had and thought he might like. My baby uses her bed as a toilet. Haha! They both prefer sleeping on the tile floor. :)
I think I'm going to wait till winter to get a plush bed. And he is not a chewer at all. I'm trying to get get him to chew on this wood toy I bought him so his teeth wont get overgrown. At the moment though it gets a little warm in the room he's in so I'll wait till winter when it gets a little cooler in there.

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