Pee on couch!!

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Jun 24, 2014
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Help!! My baby bunny has peed on the couch!! I need to get rid of the smell before my dad comes home or else I'll be dead meat!! I'm already using vinegar but is there anything else that will help?!
Thanks in advance :)
Vinegar and hot water should do the trick and towels or bunny blankets in the future lol
P.s don't soak it in vinegar or your dad will sit on it and get a wet bum lol, oh and white vinegar is best
Hahah! That gave me a bit of a laugh! Thanks so much. We do have a blankie over the couch but it went through :/ next time I'll put an extra layer on. Thanks :)
Hahaha yeah my dad would have flipped out too lol but I moved out of home 5 and a half years ago and I have all my own furniture but I use to have an old rat who lost his bladder control so I had a pee soaked arm chair before I put blankets down for him
Aw no! That's terrible! Well he hasn't said anything about 'smell' so I'm guessing it was a job well done :) can't stay mad at such a cute little face anyway
I always dabbed the pee off with a paper towel and then removed the smell with vinegar - worked a charm. :)

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