Pearl's getting spayed today.

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Well-Known Member
Feb 29, 2012
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Hi all,

My French Lop, Pearl, is having her spay surgery today. There was a clause on the paperwork regarding if she is pregnant they would terminate and continue with the surgery.

I don't think she's pregnant, but our Holland Lop boy, George,did try mounting her a week or two after his neuter surgery.

Hasanyone been in a situation where you brought your bun in and find out she's pregnant? If so what did you do? Terminate and continue with the surgery or keep the kits?
Honey was spayed when I got her. But if that's the vet's policy, you either have to agree or find another surgeon. I have no idea how common that clause is, though I have heard of the spaying not being done because a pregnancy was detected beforehand.
The only thing extra I had to sign with my vet was resuscitate in the off chance of her heart giving out since additional meds are required. I gave them permission to try within reason (once or twice) if it were to happen. They said they didn't charge extra for respiratory distress.

Thankfully she said both are rare and Layla had no issues with her spay. I'm sure my comment wasn't very reassuring but as with all surgeries there are risks and they just want you to be aware of what they may encounter before you go through with surgery.

When I volunteered with the feral cat spay/neuter clinics all pregnant cats were still spayed and any with FIV were euthanized on the spot.

It's different in the case of your bunny but it seems unlikely she's pregnant, although not impossible.

Best of luck tomorrow and I hope I didn't scare you...
Thank guys. No you didn't scare me. There were the emergency procedures clauses in our paperwork too. Pearl went through surgery fine. She was pretty groggy but we gave her the pain meds and settled her into her cage for the night.
Not a bunny but the one cat that has adopted us was once a stray that showed up and would not leave. Due to one child who is allergic and has asthma she remains an outdoor cat although she does have the garage and gets plenty of attention.

She had a litter right after showing up at our house. We found homes for the kitties and after a few months decided to have her spayed. By then we figured she was here to stay. We had the same clause for her.

She had the spay performed and we put her in the garage to recooperate. We planned to keep her there for ten days. Luckily after two she got out because we then found that she had another litter right before she was spayed.

She was very good at hiding them. Only found them by hearing their cries.
With my vet in Montreal, they would ask me prior to the surgery to see if I would prefer to continue with the surgery or abort (I guess they did something beforehand to find out?) and if I wanted to know or not.

I'm not sure about how it works here but I find it interesting that they have that clause in. It's good thatpeople read the contract and know these things before going ahead. :)
Mine also had a clause about being allowed to use photos of her or the surgery for teaching and advertisement purposes.. I figured what the hey, she's cute and why not? Haha

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