Pasteurella.. here we go again:(

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Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2012
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North West, Indiana, USA
Hi everyone! Crixus (male holland lop) just turned one on July 2! Things have been going great, until a few days ago when things started going south.

A long while back I posted a thread describing Crixus' circumstance with his nose. Here's the link if you want to read:

So we have always had this clear, watery substance around his nose. When I took him to get neutered I asked my vet her opinion on it, since pasteurella has always been a fear of mine. My vet assured me it did not look like pasteurella and gave me some tips such as to stop burning candles and having air fresheners in my room.

On Saturday (27th) I noticed Crixus sneezing a lot more than normal.. Of course I went into automatic panic mode but my boyfriend cautioned me to take it easy and observe him for the day because he is shedding right now a lot around his face. Sunday the sneezing continued, not nearly as much but still more than usual. This morning, we were going through our normal routines, I woke up, let him out and very quickly realized something was not right. His left eye has gunk all around his fur, and the corner of it is red and puffy. He is still energetic, eating, drinking, etc.

I am completely convinced he has an upper respiratory infection now, I immediately called the vet and we have an appointment scheduled for 2 pm tomorrow. I have a few questions, I have been "fostering" (I had intentions to foster, but I have grown attached and want to keep her lol) another rabbit for 2 months now, and I have been Is she going to get sick from Crixus? Should I move her out ASAP? They are not bonded, however, they don't hate each other. They get separate play times, but in the same room.

And what is it like to have a rabbit with pasteurella? Is it really expensive to take care of? Right now I am a mess, I can't stop crying because I am so worried for him. I know vet visits can be expensive but I will pay whatever, I am not worried about spending money on him I just want to know what I am getting into I guess. I just want him to be happy and healthy and live a long life by my side, is this even possible with this sickness? Just any advice would help, you guys always seem to make things a little easier!
Upper respiratory infections are not necessarily caused by pasteurella. I highly recommend doing a culture and sensitivity and choosing an antibiotic that way. My rabbit Cricket was on 2 weeks of Baytril (at $85/week) but after our culture and sensitivity came back it turned out that the bacteria she had was resistat to Baytril but susceptble to doxycycline (which she liked the taste of better and ran us just $53/month). She is bonded to Watson who also started sneexing but after about a month of doxycycline he was symptopm free and he's now off antibiotics although we haven't totally straightened out Cricket's sneezing yet. She doesn't really have any dischage anymore and other than the sneezing, she's a happy healthy bunny.
As Missycove stated not all URIS are from a single bacterial agent. The most important thing ( as she stated) is to get an antibiotic (or 2) that has been found to be most effective to the strain/strains of bacteria that your rabbit has. A culture and sensitivity will determine this.
Sometimes a vet may start an antibiotic in the interim period if the rabbit is very ill while the C&S is pending.
It is important to find a vet who has knowledge of rabbits and is not hesitant to use antibiotics that are dosed correctly and used for a long enough period of time ... a week or 2 is not enough.
Many rabbits have been over treated with drugs like Trimethoprim Sulfa and Baytril causing bacteria to become resistant. Vets who do not treat a lot of rabbits often are hesitant go further and because of this many rabbit have lingering "pasturella type" infections that COULD be treated effectively.
Well Crixus went in today and the vet did exactly as you guys said, she had a culture and sensitivity done, so we will find out exactly what is gettig to him in a few days. Meanwhile, she gave him baytril, metacam, and tobrimycin opth solution for his eye. She recommended that I find my other bun a new home before she gets infected. I'm just pretty bummed about the whole thing, I want Crixus to be healthy, and I am going to miss the other bun terribly:(
You could move your foster to another room and practice isolation techniques between rooms and/or maybe have someone else care for the foster temporarily,
The foster has already been exposed to the bacteria but since half of all rabbits either have been exposed to a pasteurella type bacteria or already have a latent infection, your foster bunny may be a rabbit who has a strong enough immune system to ward off illness ( many many rabbits do).

Seems a shame to give up the bunny but I do understand the discomfort that you may feel housing a very ill rabbit near a healthy one.
In general practice if the rabbits were bonded they should remain together whether ill or not.
I had a bonded pair . The female developed a chronic URI while the male never contracted anything;he was younger and most likely fought it off
The vet called yesterday, and my Crixus does have Pasteurella. With Pasteurella being a chronic problem, she recommended that I keep him away from any other bunny. Moving Oreo (the foster bun) and practicing isolation techniques would be ideal for me, however, I'm an 18 year old girl living at home while I attend college. The rule in the house is "bunnies stay in your room" they can go outside to play but are not allowed anywhere else because of my dogs. So unfortunately, moving her to another room is not possible for me. And since they are not bonded, if I kept her and she ended up ill it would be for my own selfish reasons of wanting to keep her and I don't think that's right for me to do:/ She has been staying at a family friend's house, I will have to find her a forever home soon. The whole thing just upsets me:(
Thank you:/ Crixus is doing a lot better, his eye is all cleared up. He still is sneezing more than he should be, but the antibiotics are making a huge difference. It is good to see him finally acting more like himself though. Lately he has been so lethargic, but he was back to digging in his phone books and binkying again:]

As for Oreo I am having a hard time finding her a home, she is only about 3 years old and has lived in 5 different homes. I feel so bad that I can't keep her like I planned. I want to give her to a home where they will actually love and pay attention to her, but I'm finding out that's not an easy task.

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