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Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2009
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Tempe, Arizona, USA
I thought the bite he gave me on my palm a couple weeks ago was bad..it almost went through and through,

But then today I go to clean up the cages over here at my moms, he bites me slightly on the palm and I thought it was an accident so I went to go pet him again, and he LUNGES at me, and bites me.

At first I thought it was anotehr through and through cut on my knuckle, until the skin came off. So he just took a large chunk of flesh off.

little bite:


(See how it looks like there is two exits? All that skin you see inbetween came off.)


If you read my blogs, he has also scratched me:


I "nose" bonked him, but I don't think he cared. He is being okay now.

It is just so scary not to be able to trust your rabbit. At least Chewbacca ran up to me and kissed me after Sheriff bit me! lol!

Oh my! :shock:Your really beat up from him.

I haven't had a rabbit bite me before and draw blood. It hurts a little when they nip, but I can't imagine a full on bite and scratch like that!

I can see how it's scary not being able to trust your rabbit...hopefully he calms his temper a little and doesn't bite you and scratch you as much.
Ouch is an understatement! :shock:I also haven't had a rabbit break the skin and from the looks of those pictures I hope I never experience it.

Take care of those wounds. :hug:

I remember when my girl Suki bit me and went through my nail and 5 seconds previously she was giving me bunny kisses, So yeah I know how sore those bites can be.
Wow, that looks really painful. I have never been biten where it broke the skin.

I couldn't imagine being afraid of my rabbit. If my rabbit did that, I would be terrified. It seems like you have a great attitude about it. That is awesome. I hope Sheriff calms down or you might need to start wearing gloves and long sleeve shirts.
I am not scared of him now, but it is hard to tell if he was going to do it again or not when I took him out, lol.

I have done a lot of rehabilitation, especially for reptiles. So I have been bitten a lot. I have scars up and down my hands and wrists from bites. The worst bite ever? An iguana. I also was bit by a very large oscar fish which was a very deep, nasty wound that unfortunatly got infected due to the fishwater (Yes I cleaned it, but I must have not gotton everything)

The first bite he gave me (I dont have a picture of) was really bad, like my knuckle cut, but that was during a fight he had with my other rabbit, I grabbed him, and he bit me.

This time the only thing I can think of he was angry he didn't see me for two days (He was at my mothers) and I gave chewy attention first (But she is a diva and needs it first, lol)
FYI, the scratches are looking like they will leaves scars. Unfortunatly, they are on the inner wrist which is very thin :/

I look like a cutter, lol.
Myia09 wrote:
FYI, the scratches are looking like they will leaves scars. Unfortunatly, they are on the inner wrist which is very thin :/

I look like a cutter, lol.
I know where you are coming from, At the moment my wrists look like I have serious problems, There really bad and unfortunately I scar easily on my wrists anyway lol.
It sounds like he is being territorial, and wants you out of his space. Was he in his cage when he did this? Also is he neutered? I had an outdoor rabbit as a kid and she was in a hutch, shewould lunge andgrunt when I went to change out her den. She also bit me through the fingernail.:X Yowzeeers! That was almost 20 years ago, my rabbits now live inside and are as sweet as can be, neutered too. Good luck, I have a friend with a sugar glider and she wears gloves to go in his habitat and for handling.
sometimes they get angry,why i am not sure but Bugs has given me a scracth very near my vein in my wrist. jeepers
im sorry he bit you ): hopefully its not a new habit he plans on keeping.
im thankful that even though Mimzy wont tolerate me at all and gets mad when i get in her space, she has never lunged or bit me.

and i got bit by a guinea pig once, 5 stitches later i was terrfied of him from then on. never had another piggy after that...they just kinda scared me from then on.
He is a show bunny, so he is unaltered, but will be once his show days are over.
He hasn't "attacked" since. Just regular old Shieriff.

What it was I think, He was at my mothers, in a new house and room. I was gone for a full two days, my mother was taking care of him. When I got there, I took Chewy out because she was in a small cage, while Sheriff had an adequate sized cage. I think

A. He was jealous of Chewy
B. He was angry about me leaving
C. He hadn't been out of the cage

I mean, there has been zero aggression since, so lets be hopeful!
Sorry to hear your in the same boat that I am! Just yesterday, I was hanging out with my little man on the couch and he peed on me! I put him on the floor so I could change my clothes and when I picked him back up to continue our petting session, he bit my lip! Luckily, there was no blood!

To top it off, I too look like I have a psychological problem with all of the cuts on my hands and wrists. I've learned to wear long sleeves when handling him for the time being to help prevent it. He's really young, so I hope he tames with enough love and attention by summer...

Hang in there! You're not alone!
I would try and figure exact tables before you put him on a show table. I am sure judges would not be thrilled.

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